
bout time. I like the gunpowder and all but I really wanted a remake of shogun... and wouldn't mind a remake of Rome while we are at it.

@onkel fritz: I was thinking the same thing. He pretty much thanked the guy for robbing him.

@necromaster: I guess the question is why is your girlfriend going to porn sites and picking up viruses?

That's not Darth Vader. The only true Darth Vader is Hayden Christensen

in other news Print news paper desperately tries to stay relevant.

@ibro911: so.... Mac gets a 10 year old game with slightly improved graphics and you think that is the equivalent of taking a dump in someone face?

@TacoYaco: correction that is not an opinion that is a FACT!

Gotta agree with almost everyone else Shadows of the Empire did it first and did it the best.

@Geist002: adult swim gave us Venture Brothers they are therefore excused for every other piece of shit show they make.

That's cool but I already have steams in game web browser and Game FAQs

@darthonyx: NO that is Billy Dee Williams ROCKING an ascot

@MRMATT: pffft mac started it

@nanobot18: welcome to the magical world of Subtext. Where you can make your main character gay without having to come out and say he is gay because most of your fanbase is homophobic.

How come no mention of Solid Snake? Did Octonon and him go off to raise a little girl by themselves? First gay video game adoption right there.

@Whyspir: the same way every other dragon is killed in WoW.... by attacking the ankles.

what about the ever so popular

@anduin1: ahh so this was your first MMO