
@tiberseptim: I think he is glad because they would have failed at it.

@Szin: ahh back when the Simpsons had good writers.

So do the runes actually say anything or are they just there for decoration.

I thought we already did move on from "horde" mode. I thought it has always been called survival mode

@Jbluez: I was refering to DC but yes Firestar was from the 80s spiderman cartoon. But neither Firestar or X-23 have become as big as Harley Quinn.

@DrWorm: Dini was in from the beginning.

Hooray it's Paul Dini's wife

So I haven't played WoW in a while but when did they allow every class to where plate armor?

again with the purple. Seriously Blizz STOP MAKING PURPLE ARMOR!

@SadAstronaut: and there are do it yourself guides for adding a touch screen to a netbook.

@Ur-Lord-Crypy: don't be an idiot. Like others have stated they made their last game in 2008. They have also been working as a ad agency as well as creating interactive Conversation Interface. They are far from a dead company.

@yantelope: that's why you never take prisoners.... so you can teabag them...

@Martin Webster: they have had a website where you can play the game online for years now.

@jyoon: once you start running windows on your computer with boot camp you have all the same problems that window users have.

@astidcrisse: and the second your run bootcamp it no longer becomes a mac it is a windows laptop.

@Calijoefornia: you can edit music and photos just the same on a pc as you can a mac. I do it all the time.