
@wanion: yeah it feels like a very generic fantasy game.

Pic 16 looks a lot like a Chaos Marauder expect with brighter colored clothes

@Spongehead56: if you like Dungeon Crawlers then it is a lot of fun. You have a lot more control over your character then in other mmos.

@laa97: so by your logic then Star Wars is the first Sci Fi movie

@Hiero: Sony originally fought against it way back when EQ first came out. they viewed some of the add ons to be cheating. After the first Expasion they changed their mind and since then there have been a ton of interface mods.

@avconsumer2: really? name one thing that WoW has invented.

@Kanji08: no see I was being polite I decided I could not debate with such a Master Debater as yourself.

@Kanji08: no really explain to me how the Star Wars interface is the exact same as WoWs.

@Kanji08: I was being polite. If I was "butt hurt" as you so eloquently put it I would have just ignored you. But I didn't want to waste time and argue with such a master debater as yourself.

@Kanji08: you have clearly shown to everyone here that you have no idea on what you are talking about or anything about video games in general.

@Kanji08: wait what? Gears did with 3rd person shooters???

@Kanji08: wait so just to get it straight you think KotoR is a clone to WoWs combat system but Warhammer is not?

@Kanji08: but that is it. WoW did not popularize the features nor did it invent.. well anything.

@gemetzel: because very simply if they did that then they would have to do it with all weapons. So one blaster hit you are dead. Basically it would make the game really annoying as you would constantly be respawning.

Too Soon! We already have a Star Wars MMO! This game will split the community.

@WarlockSoL: only a moron like you would misinterpret something like that and then demand an explanation.

@dowingba: 250k subscribers seems pretty popular to me. Don't listen to him it is a fun game all the way through. Just make sure you have a good guild with you and you will have fun.