
@Lumice: so the fact that they have already added a new play mode and they are adding a new campaign in a few days means nothing to you?

@hobob: please every MMO out there is making money right now. Any MMOs that aren't making money get shut down.

@Dehnus: has anyone ever told you that you have some issues

@gifurocks: or it just required a really good imagination.

I really hope Turbine comes out on top from this one. Atari did screw them over quite a bit.

@Quazifuji: the real only way to prevent abuse is to have a time restriction on it like they already do. 60 days is enough to prevent people from using it any time they are losing in BGs. The money is just so they can profit more from it.

@WarlockSoL: nice try but not even close to what I am saying.

@WarlockSoL: we know they didn't hire more people because we can look at what they have been hiring.

@FrigidAir44: yes because in Warcraft 1 and 2 they where just invading Azeroth because they where nice?

@WarlockSoL: the blizz employees salaries are already in the budget. They do not have to increase the budget to create this. So again it costs blizz 0 dollars to make this.

@kryorage: not really since it is all done in house and by employees that they already hired. The only way it costs Blizzard to make and maintain it is if they had to hire new personal to do it. Otherwise it costs Blizz 0 dollars to do this.

@Hiero: no one thought this would happen either.

@Derigor: They are emo because all the emo kids play them. Most emo class you can play is a Undead rogue. Night Elves would be second most emo but still Undead wins the award for most emo race.

@kryorage: there were evil in Warcraft 1 and 2. It was in Warcraft 3 where things started to go downhill

@Wahrheit: I think you are missing the point. By switching factions (even by changing a human to an orc) you are still turning traitor.

It's only a matter of time before Actblizz allows you to buy levels and pay to switch classes.

@Suzaku: as they should. Blizz has already made both factions as similar as possible. There is little difference between each side at this point. Hell the Horde isn't even evil anymore they are just as good as the Alliance. I give it 2 more expansions before the Horde and the Alliance are the exact same. They

@BlueBeard: pretty much you are paying them for something that costs them nothing to produce. It is the perfect product from a business perceptive.