
Hey Matt, ever notice how public data reveals that Gizmodo’s traffic has dropped since Gawker shut its doors last summer and their political hacks migrated here? Maybe you guys should take this as a hint.

Do you really have a problem with ISIS members being killed in an airstrike that killed NO civilians? Id say thats about perfection.

Obama increased the debt by 10 tril and you’re bitching about peanuts.

If you think the President has that much control over day to day operations in Afghanistan you are an imbecile. As someone else stated the commanders over the area made this call, and were likely allowed to drop this ordinance because of relaxed ROE.

Don’t worry everyone; Novak will be sure to shout from the rooftops if any innocents are killed. He’s an active member of the Blame America First crowd, especially since Trump was elected. If Obama had done this action (Ha!), and there had been unintended collateral damage, Novak would be as silent as a church mouse

The bomb was paid for, surely it’s better to use it against an enemy deserving of it than have it sit in a bomb dump and eventually get decommissioned or used in a training exercise simply because it’s reached it’s use it or lose it date.

The Korean peninsula IS AT WAR, and has been for all your life. An armistice....not a peace treaty, was signed. We have a cease fire, the war continues. Come on, the education system in the US can’t be this bad can it?

It sounds to me like he also wants to be known as a president who had a balanced budget. Not one who doubles the national debt.

Honest question here - why would you not take them seriously?

Because Assange’s credibility & motives are questionable at best.

Honest question here - why would you not take them seriously?

Its kind of like how overall crime is down. But places like Baltimore and Chicago are having all time high violence.

Except for like, the fact that ISIS and every other major terrorist organization are mainly using social media to recruit their followers right? Like, you’ve heard of this right? I would be wary of assumptions. Every single day people are convicted of crimes because of their browser and internet search history. If the

AAnnnnddd probably worth noting its re authorization when it was voted on again in 2006, five years later. Clinton doubles down!

I would fucking love to have extreme vetting for guns. Please, oh please dear god, make there be extreme vetting for guns. This would make it less likely that crazy fucking assholes would get their hands on guns, and then go commit crimes with them. When they do that it makes all gun owners look bad.

You sure you want to quote a document that was made and existed for over 100 years in a country that had slavery? You also sure you want to blame Republicans for passing the Patriot Act?

You’re implication is that there is someone out there gathering the information of people trying to enter the country and then falsely creating accounts for those people to get them rejected. I don’t think that’s going to be a large scale problem.

What’s the point of this story?

They can easily find out where you’ve been... the browser / social media history just adds to that.