
One of my dearest friends is a DV survivor. The cops came out more than once when she called them to help. After interviewing them both and seeing the bruises on her bodies and not even a mark on her now-ex-husband, they basically laughed with the abuser and basically said, “Bitches, amirite?” They then told my friend

“The officer claims, in his police report, that he went inside the apartment to investigate living conditions and check on the children. However, body cam footage shows that this never took place”

How long before the “Well why didn’t she leave him before this????” brigade gets here

And this is why a lot of abuse victims don't go to the police!

Why, thank you. It's not the lack of empathy that bothers me, it's the lack of knowledge on how valuable history is that gets to me.

Showa was an interesting figure, and I think history will tell us that he mattered a lot more than people thought then.

I actually fully blame the US for Japan's split mind on WW2. Where we pressed Germany for contrition, we sorta shrugged at Japan's actions in China and Korea and elsewhere. I think part of it was racism (they're just Asians!), part of it was that we saw China as a threat and wanted Japan as an ally, and part of it was

I mean, look... I love Japan. I love its culture, its people, it's amazing history. I love so much about it.

The ones I've heard of involved men dressing up like women and going into bathrooms... which definitely wouldn't have been prevented by this law. And to my knowledge, protections for trans people haven't EVER allowed someone to dodge charges for sexually harassing/assaulting other people in the bathroom.

I am so sick of this. For taxes and governmental services, the cost is spread out over the population as a whole. That's how it works. Just because you don't have kids in school, it doesn't mean you don't have to pay school/property tax. You got the benefit from it back in the day, now you are paying for the

Ahh, I see. So yeah it is like game one with Johnny Cage's nut punch. Except, he didn't do a similar move on Sonya.

This exactly! Wouldn't good police work include surveying the home and monitoring the comings and goings of the people living there? They had to know a small child lived there, and I just cannot for the life of me understand why police would preform a raid on a home with a child. Even in other situations when children

The horrifying scene was captured by a television crew who was filming an episode of the A & E series The First 48, a true crime reality show.

I am cynical enough about police authority to get on board with this.

"what's wrong with just getting him in a warrant"

Not as exciting for the A&E show. I think this girl might have died because the cops wanted to produce more compelling television for viewers at home.

SWAT: because wearing a windbreaker and knocking on the door (at a reasonable hour) just isn't cool enough.

I don't want to minimize the piece itself, since that was also great and put into words a lot of what I was thinking (plus triggering more to think about) but what I really want to say is:

"Liberals are wrong and real cake-ordering Americans are Right!" -Faux News

Absolutely. The same people who whined in favor of bigots refusing service to gay couples (because free market) are likely the same people who'll inevitably be up in arms over this business having the audacity to not give in to ridiculous demands (because free market is only good for the things I like, natch).

Also does it contain red? Because allergies.