Alternate Fox News approved course titles:
Alternate Fox News approved course titles:
I've decided they do want the government to be super small. Like Magic School Bus small, setting up shop in my uterus.
No, no, you missed the point. As Jon Stewart explained, they want the government to be small enough to fit in a woman's vagina.
When I first learned of the line Feminism is the radical notion that women are people, I thought, "What a ridiculous thing to say!"
It isn't blocked in instances of rape, incest, or life endangerment (technically. Making it actually happen is tough). This would have blocked that funding.
I was under the impression that federal funding for abortion was already banned but hey, whatever, you do you, Republicans. This is a great use of your dwindling political capital. Bravo and such.
I assume the bill shifts those funds towards welfare, education, and child support services.
Can we drop the "good kid/person who made some mistakes" narrative as a defense? The only thing that sentence means is "yes [he/she] is a [rapist/murderer/pedophile/violent bigot], but I [the speaker] still love [him/her]." Honestly, I couldn't care less that you still love your rapist son or violent bigot husband. …
human treasure talks to human garbage about non humans, is a treasure, makes garbage mad.
Obviously that doesn't apply to males! Men/boys should have the legal and moral right to get drunk and do whatever the hell they want, while women/girls should be responsible not only for their own actions when they drink, but also for anything any men/boys in their general vicinity choose to do to them. Suggesting…
I live in Eugene, and while I didn't attend U of O (I'm a Texas Longhorn), I'm definitely a huge Duck fan. It's hard to live here and not be a fan.
The third quarter of that game was a joy to behold, especially that one play when Winston was running around trying to avoid being sacked and then suddenly tripped over his own feet, fell backwards, and launched the ball over his head, leading to yet another Oregon touchdown. Such schadenfreude.
Seriously f*ck everyone who threatened this girl and her sorority. You dont have to believe there was a rape. You dont have to like this girl. But don't f*cking threaten to kill her. Don't harass her. Don't harass her friends. It doesn't make you a loyal friend to the accuser. It doesn't make you a true supporter of…
I terminated a very wanted pregnancy at 26 weeks gestation in June. My daughter had a genetic duplication and abnormalities that would have ensured that her life was brief and painful, had she even survived the rest of pregnancy and birth. If I was not extremely privileged to have excellent health insurance and enough…
Comparing it to torture? But they don't have any problems with torture.
Holy shit, I just realized my birthday is in Shouwa 59 too! I just know when I moved there it was around Heisei 18 and Heisei years were on my working Visa, Alien Registration Card, and driver's license.
It's not just a complete failure that he was getting a paycheck as a cop. The computer background information he'd have access to in order to facilitate stalking is possibly a bigger deal. Also, if he was assigned to the street, he could've been stalking while on the clock. Not every city enforces gps accountability…