The health rumors ARE garbage. Trump’s camp was pushing the idea that she’s got some sort of horrible, terminal illness. She has mild pneumonia, which is a very normal occurrence for a person of her age and activity level.
The health rumors ARE garbage. Trump’s camp was pushing the idea that she’s got some sort of horrible, terminal illness. She has mild pneumonia, which is a very normal occurrence for a person of her age and activity level.
I mean, a citation would be nice, because I’m not convinced that a rando on the internet actually knows what anti-seizure glasses look like.
Oh, come on. That’s just not true. We have a thing called the heat index just because 80 degrees is not the same temperature everywhere. Humidity, shade, and terrain all affect how hot 80 degrees feels like.
Well, in this election no official has come straight out and said she’s wearing body armor, because duh. But there are lots of clues that she is:
Dude, 80 degrees in NYC is not mild temperatures, and she’s wearing a full suit, body armor, and probably shapewear.
You got an explanation. She’s a 68-year-old woman wearing a suit and body armor on a hot day during an incredibly emotional event. She got overheated. This is not strange, or worrying, or even unusual (multiple Bushes have vomited on foreign dignitaries, so...).
Heck, remember a couple of years ago when Obama said something moderately polite to Putin that was caught on microphone? Fox News EVISCERATED him. Now look at this BS.
Part of the problem is that we don’t currently have any way to treat these people before they hurt someone. There are a couple scattered groups here and in Europe that try to get pedophiles into treatment before they actually attack children, and those seem to have good success rates, but obviously very few people…