
Where I live, takeout is actually LESS expensive. I honestly don’t get the point of these services.

Maybe. But think of it this way—intersex babies are assigned M or F on their birth certificates in most jurisdictions. And being intersex is probably more important info for a doctor to have because it often comes with specific medical issues. And its not like doctors look at birth certificates to assign medical

Dude, do you have any idea how expensive emergency medical care and funerals are?

Shops still do have to pay for these issues (though I think at a reduced price) so a lot of smaller shops put limits on it. FCBD has also exploded in popularity in the last ~5 years so I think shops are having trouble keeping up.

According to reports, her father was allowed on wearing shorts and sandals, so...

Sesame Street is its own independent company (Sesame Workshop). They just receive funding through PBS. So if PBS goes out, they will probably seek out a new broadcaster.

Honestly, I find Logan works best if I imagined it completely divorced from the rest of the series. I don’t get the impression any of the filmmakers were really invested in “canon” (probably a good thing).

Black trans women are the demographic most at risk of being murdered. It’s vital to draw attention to these cases. If people don’t know about them, they can’t fight to end this terrible trend.

O’Reilly is a disgusting wife-beater, but he has a certain libertarian streak that’s sometimes useful. I remember around 2007 or so he actually wrote a post on Fox about how the US as an equal nation should allow gay marriage (although of course, he only wanted it via popular vote).

Luckily, the ACLU and several other organizations are already suing to stop the order on a couple of different grounds.

So, incredibly unpopular opinion time, but I’m actually not convinced this is a bad thing.

Easier identification, mostly. Having severe ID markers helps the government figure out which “Regan Smith” (for example) they’re looking for.

The capricious assignment of solitary confinement and the fact that so far getting them to treat her as a woman has been like pulling teeth are pretty cruel in my mind.

Sure, but is this substantially different than the Pentagon Papers? Because she’s been treated much worse than Ellsburg

Maybe not in a run of the mill prison.

That’s not fair. The reputation of Wikileaks at the time she released documents to them was WAY different than what we know of them today.

I’m sure it is. I do know another family whose second child had a genetic defect that meant they died after a few hours, and they were given the option of a late term abortion but decided to carry the child to term to donate its organs (apparently stuff like baby retinal tissue is really hard to get for scientific

Well, firstly, he’s not president yet (he will be inaugurated in January). So he can’t be punished when he hasn’t technically broken the law yet.

God. That’s so, so depressing and cruel. I know a family whose child was born missing part of his brain. They knew about it before he was born and chose not to abort, and they are great parents and cherish him, but they are huge supporters of the ability to abort late for major deformities because his care is SO

IDK, I think it’s still sexual assault for someone to pin you to the ground and rub himself on you without your knowledge, even if his penis doesn’t literally enter your vagina.