Makes Me Wonder Why I Even Bring The Thunder

One can dream, and at least reach for it.” I like to frame it more like discussing the architecture of our moon base (that is something sufficiently futuristic, but reachable and realistic), as a key step in getting there is convincing people we can (assuming we can keep a republic).

Um, in what way way is Paxton still “embattled”? The linked story refers (and linked [1]) to how he was acquitted by the Texas Senate in largely party line votes (think Trump’s impeachments but with more yee-haw’n).

The squishy thing is what “lots of money” is.’ Which is part of why I think that’s the wrong end of the spectrum to make that sort of determination. Instead, consider what a “sufficient amount of money” looks like, and then peg a Universal Basic Income and the tax structure that supports it to key costs it covers.

In fairness, being turned off by Republicans may very well be our only effective form of legal birth control, quite soon

In fairness, they’ve had some intimate moments staring deep into each others eyes, as into limp id cesspools of puffed up bullshitery.

Rick : Why do you coverInfluencers” like actual celebrities? Aren’t they just wannabe corporate shills?

It would be in no way worth this trip to Gilead to get, but popularizing the snip and shifting our culture away from viewing birth control as solely the woman’s responsibility might not be bad byproducts of this war on women’s autonomy and health

It looks like a Safe-Dem seat, so I don’t see what changing parties would do to further her political career.

In fairness, one could have “high standards” that are nonsensical, or inconsistently applied

To date, 20 Members of Congress have been expelled: 5 in the House and 15 in the Senate. A large majority of those expulsions were predicated on Members’ behavior deemed to be disloyal to the United States at the outset of the Civil War. Nonetheless, the two most recent expulsions followed Members’ convictions on

...but not quite enough like Imhotep.

If the shoe’s coated in it...

GQP donor is big mad about the violation of HIS ex-wife, but she’s cool with the leopards taking a few nibbles on her face as long as enough peoples get their faces bit worse.

In fairness, Davis might be one of those “bad apples” that (despite a long string of previous infractions) was totally unpredictable and (despite all the assistance and cover he received from his colleagues) is totally aberrant and (despite many officers with similar cases) is not at all reflective of the force.

In fairness, with Republican health care policies, they can’t afford for her to not die quickly.

Unfortunately, based on campaign finance numbers, the closest thing Menedez has to a serious challenger in his 2024 re-election campaign is a Republican.

Well, Obama was America’s first Black president, which, given this nation’s history (and present, for that matter), colors every discussion of him. That said, there are solid arguments that drone strikes he authorized violated the Geneva Conventions.

In fairness, clinic protesters were absolved of their sins by Jesus precisely so they could cast the first stone at these harlots, and the constitution bars the state from infringing on God’s 1st Amendment rights

I’m a tad confused by the economics here, as it seems like this would raise an appealable issue, and adjudicating those cost the state quite a bit more

Cassidy Hutchinson’s desk was mere steps from the most controversial president in recent American history. Now, she provides a riveting account of her extraordinary experiences as an idealistic young woman thrust into the middle of a national crisis, where she risked everything to tell the truth about some of the most