As such, I believe the correct answer to Jenner’s question is neither: She should eat shit and piss off.
In fairness, if you don’t take that yet another bite of the same nothingburger, how will you ever know it won’t be the one that makes you feel fulfilled either?
Perhaps it’s because the position is a bit “inside baseball” or something, but it seems like a supposedly feminist site should eventually get around to giving the President Pro Tempore her damn flowers.
While I agree with your point, unlike the headline, the post makes it sound more like the terminology was McCarthy’s contribution; he told Swalwell the price on those wolf tickets, and the Dem promptly counted out each bill
“Mace, one of the sane-ish Republican voices on abortion” Her position isn’t based on any particular mental capacity or personal beliefs, she’s just in a competitive district.
Conversely, the staffers responsible for DeSantis’ more literal wreck of a campaign are paid for by the state of Florida and will be retained.
I can’t be the only one who keeps misreading the headline, can I?
“so for now the matter remains a maddening he-said-she-said situation” I’m perfectly fine with Ellen and her quarterly box fucking all the way off, but shouldn’t Kurtz be able and expected to provide something like evidence that the request was both made and originated from someone in Ellen’s organization?
‘They point at Eve and say “She did it”’, which is, perhaps ironically, how Adam tried to play it (with a side of blaming God as well). That said, where they seem to go wildly astray from Genesis 3 is in what God says about each punishment he doles out, especially as it’s Adam who gets the (notably delayed) death…
In fairness, it wouldn’t be the first time Trump “broke-ground” on a project before the paperwork was in order
In fairness, it’s not like DeSantis would really save money flying commercial; have you seen the up-charges and fees on checking asylum seekers?!?
While the condemning a woman part seems terribly on brand for these assholes, the whole thing seems to ascribe a lot more agency to the woman than they tend to do. Isn’t the real problem here the man who put his seed somewhere that wouldn’t, couldn’t or a least isn’t going to yield good fruit? Why are these guys…
It may be worth remembering that we’re not discussing “popular” in it’s more common meanings, but rather as a music industry term of art. With books, best seller lists now acknowledge how the “conservative” machinery has been faking such popularity, but here the possibility is still laughed off as hating.