
@Odin: It's actually very relevant if you did any proper research. Android does not have this game solely on the fact that it has poor development tools to launch a game like this on its platform. I think gus is just adding more pointless wood to the fanboy fire but he has every right to boast of this advantage even

@m3rcer, ex-Cobra Viper whos seen the light.: I think he can do it. You may need to help him in some parts, but I seriously doubt there's going to be as much aggressive waggling required in TP for the Wii if motion plus is there. It's really the difficulty and reaction time that he may struggle with (or god forbid

@Odin: It's not that. It's the fact that google makes little effort in GPU utilization for games and applications, where the potential at least exist in iOS, WP7, and even WebOS.

@JoetheArachnid: Nicely put. Single-use devices like the ipod touch, ipod classic and ipod nano all have prices far exceeding their competitors yet sell reasonably well.

@WTF! Realityism!: Have you seen the size of it? It can almost fit in your pocket. Probably best for people who do a lot of field work and will pay more for the lightness of it compared to normal netbooks which are only slightly heavier.

@vinod1978: I can name a few months where I've been without data but with a smartphone. It's much better to have a smartphone than a dumbphone regardless of the data. You have far more offline features that make the $15 x 22 months (Or $10 for T-mobile) worth the price.

@FriarNurgle: So he will come back to the company and make it better!

What I find funny about this is that a LOT of "dumbphones" that have come out in the past year or two are really "smart" but are crippled by the carriers to boost smartphone sales. For example, the Samsung Highlight has supported sideloading applications (java applications!), internet sharing, web browsing, GPS

@vinod1978: They are charging less. They now offer low-end data plans. ATT and Verizon have a 200mb limit data plan for $15. You pay that times 22 months with your contract and you get the subsidized smartphone price.

@lucky_you: This is why people don't go to Gizmodo or Engadget for serious and unbiased reviews on the latest technology they are thinking about buying. Leave that to the professionals.

This has been done before kind of on old Pocket PCs, where everything was run from the RAM. Users installed all their programs and sometimes documents on the RAM, and if they ran out of space, everything else was moved to the ROM storage.

Quick question that has probably already been answered. Other than existing Terran and Protoss intergalactic ships that the Zerg can take over, how are the all-organic zerg able to travel at warp speed?

When has a brand new OS succeeded in its first few months and gathered a lot of relevance? Never. It's going to take at least a year or two before WP7 gets a comfortable foothold on the market and we'll see every app ported over to it. Microsoft hasn't yet played all of their cards yet, not by a long shot. They're

@ImSpartacus: They're probably coming out with a successor since this has been out for a while.

Why only on AT&T! I hate how they get all the exclusives when they're the worst carrier in my area.

@earle117: "But what you're saying is that WP7 is trying to further the previous Windows Mobile."

@ST19AG_WGreymon: You are correct, but still, the casual user could never tell the difference, especially when it's the hardcore games that can't run, like Starcraft, Black Ops, Dragon Age etc. whom few people but us play! As for Bejeweled, Angry Birds, Tetris, even Minecraft and every flash application on the

@earle117: The original iphone did nothing to the market in terms of practicality. It wasn't until the iphone 3g and the introduction of the app store that things started changing and this "revolution" in how we interact with phones began.