
@bdinger: I think it will still require some effort to port over applications regardless. We saw this between xbox live games and WP7 games, the process was amazingly short but still took time and some developers are lazy! Let's hope that even with such a short bump in development it convinces them all to make

I hope he's in a better place, no more will he feel any pain.

@ST19AG_WGreymon: I thought the same until I saw a laptop with an Intel GPU output 1080p and run video editing software reasonably well.

Windows Phone was the answer to Windows Mobile, which the iPhone was Apple's answer to. Got that?

@bdinger: No. What they did was give Windows 8 support for ARM, kind of merging Windows CE development and Windows 8 together. Either that or bringing everything to ARM and somehow seperating CE.

@Mark 2000: You're right. We need competition, competition from Apple or Google. THEY need to step up, and they have but not enough. Microsoft doesn't need to gain any more marketshare in the PC and laptop world, they control 90% of it and just because they lost a couple percentage points during the Vista/XP years

11. Gold plate all the iMacs no one buys and tell everyone it's magical and will increase in value, something no other product can do!

Can this please have decent battery life (at least 6 hours) and be under $700? I kind of doubt it but if they want it to be competitive, that's what they need to do.

Quit bashing the stylus. I want stylus input on a tablet, otherwise I won't buy it because it's just a laptop without a keyboard! I draw and write with pens and pencils still. It's a far more creative way of expressing yourself in your own personal way. I simply cannot take notes typing in Microsoft Word format,

Can the makers of Airborne please do this too! It'll probably never happen but to get such a company to finally admit something like this is bittersweet.

@SilentAssassn87: If only the company that makes the iWon't-say-which-product made short call order commercials like this. I would also shake my head just as I did with this one.

@radarskiy: There is. You die without giving anyone the rights to your works.

Authors are free to make their written work public domain, it's just that most of them have publishers who own most of the rights to the author's work since they have the money to properly publish and market it. It's a tradeoff which helps both parties. Had this law not been in place, publishers would of thought twice

I grew up on PopCap. Excellent games that were fun to play in the school computer lab during class. They were unique, creative and addicting. Unfortunately most of the hit games have largely remained unchanged in quality in my opinion. The graphics should have at least improved especially with all the money pouring

@Ignignokt: Uh you forgot about the whole Jason Chen getting his home raided by the coppers and Gizmodo getting upset about it.

@futurist: The lack of wealth is more of a factor. We don't need larger, more luxurious real estate, but we and everyone else in the world goes ahead and builds it anyway. This is the case with Berlin where excess money has sparked rapid urban development that isn't really needed when a lot of existing fully

@taodude: You forgot about this.

America needs to get more building done. We're not past our peak, it's just that we have too many regulations penalizing progress.

@shouryuuken: I find a keyboard a decent accessory to playing games on a phone. For example, the classic Sonic the Hedgehog game worked okay with a phone keyboard but it was absolutely terrible on a capacitive touch screen.

@WatershipDown: Both are 1ghz, how is the other faster? Android benchmarks between the two don't prove anything. The iphone 4 has a better GPU but that doesn't make it faster, just that it processes more polygons in 3D rendering. You can argue that flash memory is faster than the SD cards that most WP7 devices are run