
@EljhHck: The music was still really good in that game. Plotline, not so much.

@Aklost: You were definetely not alone with that idea.

@macpatrik: I'm not going to let you get away with saying that ;) First of all, a dying tree emits carbon dioxide, which supposedly is the cause for all this global warming. I explained this before, fake Christmas trees won't be decomposing any time soon, meaning never in our lifetimes.

@dapper_otter: Good one! Unless they stick it to the license plate. But then that's being aggressive.

@Br1zon: Someone actually took the time to measure this! So you're saying in 7 years that Christmas tree would have produced enough oxygen to counter the same amount of carbon dioxide that it will emit as it decomposes? Somehow I think it takes longer before they equal out, like maybe the 30+ year lifespan these

@Jouen: Isnt an anti-insult, anti-hurtful message campaign scaring people to not be hurtful or insulting?

And all of those trips saved by NOT driving out to a tree farm to pick up a Christmas tree every year. How much carbon monoxide do you think would have been saved not driving out? With a fake tree you merely have to take it out of your closet.

How about an anti-insult, anti-hurtful message campaign, because no ones likes immature, hateful messages directed toward anyone, no matter if they are gay, or look different or use a certain product.

@Dragorith: How can it not be Starcraft II! It certainly delivered, even after all the hype and delays.

@William Henry Harrison: I love Sony Vegas. Works great. I refuse to spend a 60% premium (Apple tax) just to use iMovie when Sony Vegas (I personally prefer Adobe CS5 a little more) is going to run much better on a higher end computer while costing less.

@_Franky_: I didn't just go back, I fled back to good ole Windows where all of my applications just worked. Didn't need wine, or virtual box.

@ColbertSuperNationalist: I assumed too quickly when I read the source. Failure on my part to read the main article.

I wonder if this works offline.

@James: It runs on alcohol too.