
When you can't beat them after trying so hard to. This was something we all faced as kids. As an adult, the games I never beat are the ones I stop caring about. Even a semi-bad game I end up putting all my effort in beating, just because I can and I cannot let a kiddie game mock me (talking about Nintendo games

They need a game like this on a phone too. Come on Sierra!

@Monty: I bought one made by Hunter at Wal-Mart for $40 about 6 years ago. The filter is made where it doesn't need cleaning, just keep it out for 24 hours to dry then store. Problem is I brought it out after 3 years of it sitting under the sink and turned it on and it smelled like plastic, although it went away after

No one referenced this yet!?

@Raso719: Uh hello? Avatar, Spongebob, and that's all I can really think of right now.

@chicago256241: If this were embryonic stem cells you can bet that this would be much bigger news because they eat that up so easily. Just look at the recent news of the spinal cord injury clinical treatment which used embryonic stem cells, while for years adult stem cells have gone through many clinical trials

Entrepreneurialism is the only antithesis to regression of the human condition. You can have all the knowledge in the world, it won't do you much without the monetary or personal incentive that brings out the great drive toward achievement in human beings. Civilizations have fallen solely on pillaging the successful

@EL31415: I think she's just wasting her time and would rather do this instead of restocking the isles or managing the cash register. Employees do this all the time.

This should be crosslinked with Jezebel.

Here's what laptops look like before they enter Best Buy. Afterwards they're stamped with stickers and fingerprints.

@atkailash: Yes that should work then. There's no way I'm using that feature.

I really hate how there are no mouse buttons. At least it's not like the macbook trackpad where the whole pad is the clicker.

I seriously doubt most Macbook buyers will even notice the difference since they probably rarely fully utilize their GPU. And no, editing HD video doesn't take a lot of horsepower. My old ATI x700 from 2005 on another one of my computers can easily chug through editing high resolution video. I'm pretty sure in

@bdinger: Good thing you're not an Afghan informant helping your fellow countrymen fight off the Taliban.

Quad-Core phenom II on a laptop? I wonder what the battery life is.

@asten77: Dumbed down tablets sell well according to recent ipad sales. Google would be wise to follow. A lot of people just use their browser when they turn on their computer anyway. It could work. If not, you could probably revert back to Android.

Popcap is great, and it was Astraware that first made these games popular on mobile devices. I remember when they made games for Palm Pilots, and then Windows Mobile. I still have my paid copies of Tradewinds and Insaneaquarium, which still work on any Windows Mobile device. Tradewinds was a great game and well worth

@KenJr: Every company I've known allows short breaks, which can be used to take naps.