
@jedimaster: Just the fact that this post/article is titled "World's First Human Stem-Cell Treatment Begins in U.S." The rest says this is the first clinical trial in the U.S. to use embryonic stem cells in a patient with a spinal cord injury. The FIRST!

@2 replies: The wiki article is based on tests from over 40 years ago on non-human embryonic stem cells to bypass the hayflick limit which occurs only in normal cells.

Adult stem cells have proven to show more promise than embryonic stem cells yet we continue to pour more money into this controversial research while ignoring the greater potential found in adult stem cells.

@Yahweh Took My Prepuce: You are probably right, library and coffeeshop regulars largely use macs. Seeing Clark Kent with such a group of people wouldn't look too right. Hipsters, geeks and intellectuals hanging out with the masculine Clark Kent wearing a suit and tie? Great disguise!

@Keith Edward Leyson: Yes, but a super computer made by Google that spies the masses to save his city from crime!

Clark Kent deserves it for buying a Macintosh. Everyone knows if you're going to be a super hero with a secret identity in the general population, you use what everyone else uses, a PC! If Superman and Clark Kent both used a Mac, it just brings up too many suspicions because so few people use them!

@usa1: Not a bad idea.

They should have put him in a Wario costume. Guess most people wouldn't know who he is though.

This phone looks nice, at least the front for that matter. The speaker grill on top looks like it won't catch as much dust as traditional speaker grills that are rather sharp edged and tend to be a dust magnet because the dust has a hard time of escaping. With the smooth edges it shouldn't be too much of a problem or

Should I buy a PC for gaming? YES!

@zslane: My sister works at Comic Con every year. She says it gets more crowded every year. Now everyone wants to go, including myself since I've never gone in all the years I've been living in San Diego.

@Altima NEO: That's the 1% I was talking about.

@Acheron: Again, probably involved tampered systems. Now, it's not impossible to happen so it should be Nintendo's duty to fix the possible 1% of bricked systems that went through an update. It's a shame stores can't de-brick them, instead you have to send it in and sometimes pay if it's out of warrantee. But you take

@mrantimatter: I posted this in another article. Nintendo is most likely taking from Apple's playbook: []

Should you by a Microsoft Surface for gaming?

@silkworm: Too bad the Europeans didn't get that idea when they first landed and conquered the Americas.

The WP7 version shouldn't be too far behind.