
The price is more expensive than the latest ipod touch (lowest-end)! Chances are likely Apple subsidizes that product, hoping to make revenue in the app store.

The walking iHeads who actually think their macbook is more durable need help. Let me be blunt: You are no different than people who purchase Monster Cables at Best Buy. Monster cables are marked up just as much as Apple's macbook line of products. That's the truth if you actually think your macbook is physically

@Laughing Man Redux: You're right, they always have a tendency to vote against the people's will no matter what unless it coalesces with their ideology.

@abates25: I was about to say this. Almost every store can count as an app store, with Amazon being the largest "app store" with the HP Slate, especially when mouse input can be simulated with the stylus or the touch of a finger, or the onscreen keyboard

@willyolio: Green tea to bread? I need to try this.

@usedtowork: Inferior quality aluminum, this isn't the aluminum used in my car's engine, more like the cheap aluminum used to keep my toaster oven together. Sadly the polycarbonate that's standard on all laptops is more durble and stronger. I wish Apple would adopt the more rugged brushed aluminum look with different

@matt buchanan: Since when did mass production become such a bad thing? When the Chinese started doing it? I love certain items mass produced. Their quality and signifigance got them to be mass produced in the first place! I'm not going to let that word cloud my judgement! These new products are great, and maybe one

@blub: It's a boot.

@NotEuroTrash: Good point. They've been promoting this Colbert guy all week for speaking in front of congress and planning some sort of gathering, all because he stood up against George Bush at some dinner making light jokes against him. Soon after he gets praised for being so intelligent for making another man laugh

@mtfmuffins: The standard "white design" may have been adopted by some manufacturers but the aluminum body look has been done before (look up the old Vaios and the Inspiron 6000) and has since been left abandoned by other companies. Now the trend is that glossy look that's now sported on most electronics from TVs to

@CaffineFreakUs: This is probably why Apple failed miserably 10 years ago. Now their phone hardware is at least on par with competition.

@cannibalpeas: I have to try these Newman O's then and be the judge.

Ah Gizmodo, buying overpriced products just because the company says it uses higher quality methods and materials when the results are much the same.

Why so green?

@isgrimner: Good point. Even my broadband connection couldn't stream perfect bluray quality 1080p content. It's really a shame, which is why I own a bluray player for the time being.

@ilovemydogdub: Dark horse has always meant the "hidden in the shadows" strong force not many people take notice of. It's been referenced many times even in politics. Bob Woodward even referenced Dick Cheney as the "dark horse" for the then upcoming 2008 election before any of the possible candidates made public runs.

@wanted2: It's Gizmodo's job to point them out so people DO hear about them!

@DrZaius: I've played both games growing up and loved them both. Doom just does not beat Ocarina of Time! How can it!? That game reached across all ages and moved people emotionally from all over the world.

Firewire? No thanks.