
@Googlo: You're like the 50th person I've heard who has said this and I agree! HTC better have a clue as to what people really want, and it's not an"affordable" smartphone because those don't even exist in the U.S.

@MegaGoat: Dang! I remembered that so long ago but forgot about it! Now I want to try it again but where do I put spare AA batteries nowadays?

@ImperfectLink: I'd still love to see Steve Ballmer trash talk while playing Starcraft.

@jepzilla: I agree. I hope these billionaires count certain investments as charity, because some are, even if it returns profit!

At launch it should include an installed partition of Pokemon the MMORPG. Your Mii will be the pokemon trainer if you chose to be one in the MMO with the options of additional clothing and accessories.

@Br00talBowser: Me neither. I would have even accepted Super Gamecube.

@Ryodestined: The touch screen is enough to serve as the second analog nub. They did this with the gameboy advanced and skipped the X and Y buttons that originated on the SNES because it just complicated things for some people.

Forgot this too.

I think my microwave is more sophisticated and powerful than any of those consoles within the first 6 minutes, combined.

@gpowell1: The worldwide market of phones seems split, with Android, Symbian and others taking a huge slice of the pie. This was different with Windows XP where it dominated about 90% of the computer market. That does not mean viruses won't overrun any of the major phone OS's. It just means now that these platforms

@dsevil: Comments like that bring out the lesser intelligence in you. I'm not saying you're not an intelligent person, just the comment, but had it ever occurred to you that not-so-bright people also breed, probably more often than intelligent people? It's the sad truth almost contradicting natural selection in

@mullingitover: You sir deserve my approval for posting such a fascinating idea!

The scale is all wrong I tell ya!

Usually washing machines have concrete on the bottom to weigh it down to prevent something like this from happening. They must have removed that weight, or this thing would not have gone very far.

Wow. This was not expected!

@dracosummoner: Just looking at the specs, I'd say yes. That's plenty.

@syaieya: And the gamecube. How could they miss the gamecube? They're like $30 used now.

They should have zapped him into the website and have him walk through it. THEN it would be worth reporting!