
WebOS would do great in the tablet and maybe the PDA market. There is still a market for good, budget PDAs (like the ipod touch) that Microsoft does not seem to be interested in. As for tablets, android and especially WP7 are not going to be big players.

@3rdshift: Try Rise and Fall Civilizations at war, it's a mix of RTS and FPS, definitely worth playing the single player campaign, multi-player not so much. It's now a free download thanks to the Navy sponsoring the game.

That's the disadvantage of an open OS for the end user. But it wouldn't bother me when these applications don't slow down the OS, just take up a few MBs of space. Just glad there is a way to jailbreak android devices through rooting without voiding your warranty.

@mintycrys will Vanquish you!: On a serious note, people who get mugged are people who didn't know any better or just run into bad luck. All depends on their upbringing that determines someones intelligence. I'm glad law enforcement does not have this kind of attitude on civil disturbances otherwise we'd live in

@mintycrys will Vanquish you!: So you're saying Batman's parents deserved to be shot!? I think Bruce Wayne and Gotham City would disagree. If they existed.

@TRT-X: This is also true with the Move too. Nintendo has a little more flexibility with the Wii and could easily lower the price to $100 without losing money any time now and undercut the competition.

I never bought this game until many years later. I was furious when I first saw a cel shaded game on a console that emphasized beautiful graphics, especially Zelda of all games. To this day I still think Nintendo made a mistake with the cel shading.

These comments are pretty low, and almost entirely propaganda bullet points by the fringe, but I'm not surprised.

@trs: Actually the question was also answered in an issue of Popular Science. They said it would be too risky since the failure rate for shuttle launches is too high and one mistake could be too costly. If the nuclear waste caught on fire in our atmosphere the environmental damages would be astronomical, literally,

@NuevoLeon: I could not of said it any better!

@Patrick Murphy: I've talked to the folks at Blockbuster about this since they had (years ago) so many store locations but were beginning to become obsolete. After several videos I rented that were scratched up, I thought it would be best to have disposable DVDs and CDs (another company actually did this but just

@iKaz: Don't get me wrong Zimmer is excellent, I loved his work in Batman Begins and Modern Warfare 2. This movie just didn't do it for me though. It sounded to me like an orchestra was just getting louder and louder with a never ending anticipating note. This occurred in Dark Knight, when the finishing symphony was

@dimglow1: I don't think you know what "the West" is. Japan is considered "the West" because their culture and social structure is very much westernized. Just take a look at the many video games we all love that come out of Japan. Mario is an Italian plumber, Zelda is based off of medieval European legends. These

@Shinta: The world still depends on the West to deliver innovations which are more profitable than any amount of unskilled manual labor. Without innovation we remain stagnant in progress no matter how great a workforce a country has. Can anyone point to a signifigant innovation that has come out of a non-western

@Snake_Plissken: Usually the folks who move from PC to Mac... are the ones who have used XP and were sick and tired of it (it's an out of date OS for casual users) or have never used the latest Vista or Windows 7 OSs and have no idea how stable they are.

The sound track was a bit like Dark Knight, it was terrible. But overall the movie was great, maybe the best this year depending on what comes out later on. This is pretty close to the Matrix and done very well in that respect, I couldn't have done it better if I directed it. Christopher Nolan did an excellent job,

@Rakunya: Two words: Computer Graphics. Sony's consoles for some reason have the most games with the most amount of CG of any console, ever. Why? I think it's because they're good at it and it spices up the game, for me though it doesn't make a game better since I want to play not watch a movie.

@Whooped.D.Dew: The system is more powerful graphically, and most would agree with that. As for the games, there are some Wii games that look like some PS2 games, so of course this idea of the console being graphically inferior has been cooked up.