
@palmtoptiger: Happens with a lot of areas where men make up the majority of a population, such as programming, cars, even rock climbing.

@Clixx13: The quote just speaks for itself!

@Whooped.D.Dew: How about this. Go play Halo 2, run around Master Chief in still water. Now go play Mario Galaxy, or heck, even a Gamecube game and compare the two water effects. The difference is clear as day. The water in Halo is just plain, it's far from realistic or anything of that nature. Do I care about how

@tucker augie'ben'doggy: That reasoning applied to nuclear weapons, frighteningly might have actually worked. But I would not depend on more nukes as a peace keeper.

We actually have a lot of manufacturing jobs here in the U.S., you'd be quite surprised. Obviously not as large as Shenzhen or China.

Tesla's ideas did not all come up out of thin air. He probably picked up some knowledge when working for Edison. Had he not worked for Edison, who knows what would have happened. Still a genius that needs more recognition in the history books.

It's probably too early to say this but I'd go with the Wii. The system might be only half-way through its life cycle but it has revolutionized gaming with its motions controls that bring the best of both worlds: the accuracy of the mouse we all use on PCs, and the tactile feedback of buttons and rumble tagged along

@phatdog44: No "Other OS" support anymore, so not anymore :(

It entertains me to see people bash the Wii for not being next-gen. The Wii is certainly next-generation, as proven with the motion controls revolution it has created. Not only that, but the fact that it is graphically superior to all other consoles from the last generation. Don't believe me? Play Halo 2 and walk

@bkld18: I have a 50" TV that's hung up quite high and have experienced this problem at times. The simple solution I found was to buy a small foldable table and prop the sensor bar on top of it. The bar's wire is long enough so you can move the table far enough where you can use the wiimote even at an extreme

@Numanoid: They should really re-release the wavebird with rumble! It's a shame I can't get a traditional wireless controller for the Wii, instead they have the meager classic controller which doesn't feel right.

It would be nice if they took a new and unique direction, like have a FPS-RTS mix as seen in Rise and Fall: Civilizations at war. The game was fantastic and had huge potential, PC gamer rated it quite well but the developer (Stainless Steel Studios) had some issues half-way to completing the game and it ended up being

@xakh: The phone has a VGA screen while the other phones have a WVGA screen. Not exactly a huge difference between the two. Every WVGA program works flawlessly on devices that have VGA screens in Windows Mobile, the display is just cut off. Quake III also has higher system requirements than Quake 2 that was demoed in

Sony needs to bring back "Other OS"! It actually helped prevent widespread piracy by pleasing the homebrew community, which for the most part are people who do not seek to pirate games but get the most out of the console they purchased. Now it looks like both pirates and the homebrew community will unite and force

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@Neeraj Verma: A Windows Mobile phone from 2008 runs Quake 3 better than the HTC Desire with Snapdragon, just shows the graphical limitations of android. Even an axim x51v from 2005 could also run Quake 3 at full speed.

I remember when I was a kid going on this ride when it first opened. I think I waited almost 2 hours just to get on! My family ended up having entire conversations with the few people we were waiting in line with.

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An interesting clip from HBO's John Adams series about the painting. Definitely worth watching.

It really depends on the controller. 2D side scrollers do not work very well with an analog stick, which leaves the gamecube and xbox controllers poor choices for 2D games when their d-pads are left awkwardly on the bottom of the controller. The N64 certainly had the ability to use the D-pad that was comfortably on

I just got my motherboard replaced on my 6-month old Dell because of sound and video issues. It seemed to have fixed the problem.