Limiting Factor

Cool, I always love seeing Tony Stark.

Cosmic Rays give you super-powers. Is there a reason why the nations of Marvel Earth, the ones with a space program, anyway, aren't routinely exposing platoons of soldiers to Cosmic Rays?

Multiple, temperate, generally uninhabited, earthlike planets in Stargate SG1 and Atlantis. (or at least fewer planets with several continents). True some of these planets will have odd lifeforms, etc, but adapting is human nature and will keep people's minds busy.

Plenty of low-hanging fruit in the Stargate franchise:

Dr.Zaius could've been the Steve Jobs of talking toys!

I always assumed the security team took out the baddies while he was in the tent. It never occured to me that the weapon did that since it seemed he had to hold it close to the one guy for it to work.

Star Trek just has SO many.

Oh yeah. The Borg have time travel capabilities.

Walt and his special abilities that we never hear about again.

Yeah, they could have, but who would be foolish enough to think a series about people travelling via a gate would gain a viewership?

Now playing

The Pattern, Fringe. Sure, you could retroactively fit the different phenomena under the category of "the Pattern," but "the Pattern" as a plot term seemed pretty much forgotten after the first season.

Anyone who thinks of Maul as part of their childhood is not really a Star Wars fan.

Am I the only one who really wants the sounds of the the sentinels from the 90s x-men cartoon to make it into the film? As soon as I saw a picture of the new sentinels I could hear them perfectly in my head, because to me that's just what they sound like.

Lol, last person dies, dome comes down. Big dome appears around Earth.

Level 2.

Or maybe, the Emperor in Return of the Jedi was a clone. After all, it would be pretty stupid of the Emperor to visit a half-built, untested battle station after making sure the Rebel Alliance knew about it, no matter how confident he was.

Maybe he's a force ghost.

And another death star?

I thought it would be unlikely that Jason would kill Sarah himself. Cuz dats murder.

Buy a fucking tripod and a proper camera.