Limiting Factor

Way to generalize.

So...he failed the brake check?

Yup. 8 episodes... Why does it mtter that they were directed my males? 8 fucking episodes and suddenly the entire entertainment industry is sexist. I can't stand all this sexism mongering. Here's a shocking idea, maybe they wanted the directors for their specific traits and talents and not for their dicks. Maybe none

Me: why is this crap on io9? who the heck wrote this garbage? *glances to the left* oh, Jezebel crosspost.

No wonder they were all so good :D Every commenter and author on this scum site are jackholes!! Hope feminazism dies soon.

Not one eh? Not one fuck given. We live in a world of merit now; just because you want to fabricate discrimination doesn't mean there is any. Maybe no female directors who were qualified applied. Maybe none applied at all.

How many independent female directors are there? How many women in film schools? I refuse to get bent out of shape until some actual data is presented.

Every post in this section is horrible. More sexist than the people this article is referring to.

Well, maybe women should get on that then and step up to direct one.

I guess you could see it like that. Or that they hired people that were good for the episodes? Or people that were good directors to begin with? Or that they just didn't get the female director they liked?

"Look at me I'm a woman and I'm a victim of Unfair society! Boo cries." ~OR~ "Look at me, I am a woman and I'm smart, confident and sexy and I have a healthy attitude about the awesome first world society I was lucky enough to be born into." Which is a better outlook on the world?

I always find color photos from before the 70s jarring. For some reason, the earlier decades just "feel" black and white to me. Color photos make them look like movie sets.

This is pretty crazy!
Though, I was talking about color in general.

It's probably a good thing it's not another Fallout.

that is what happens when you are overwhelmed with awe. it doesn't happen often, but it's pretty cool when it does.

Truth. Needs more miscarriage.

It's CAD. It's probably not that funny.

God I love that thing. I literally got shivers down my spine the first time I saw it in action in the theaters. I even teared up for some reason but that was probably because I hadn't blinked in 5 minutes.

Know what you mean about the horse-pill size of those Omega 3s.
