Limiting Factor

you try policing a site a prolific as tumblr and see how you do. yeah, I thought so. the internet is going to internet, you can’t moderate it, you can’t police it, you can’t silence it, but you can do this.

right? In all things in my life that I’m glad about, it’s that I’ve never once in my almost 31 years of life ‘stumbled apon’ any CP, thank god, because I don’t think I could memory-block that kind of shit. If people are finding that shit then they are actively searching for it. End of fucking story.

GREAT movie. Underrated. My only complaint is that it wasn’t longer. Seriously, what was wrong with it, without comparing it to other movies?

no it isn’t.

well, like it or not, that’s what we got on screen and are going to talk about. not what-ifs and what-abouts.

As people of color

“As for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, they’ve continued to treat Samantha like the non-factor she is as they prepare for parenthood—and I hope the literary world treats her the same way (what is “double-brick” in book sales?)“

They’re games for children.

eight? I am so behind.. I thought it was 3.

>A lot of “gaming” keyboards do too,

the problem is you’re calling it juuling and not vaping.

First one was ok I thought but kind of a slog

Asylum and Freak Show are great television.

“This week’s episode, “Apocalypse Then,” is the main event. (Get it? Apocalypse Then? Like Apocalypse Now, but with a “Then” instead of a “Now”?) “

I had to google who Nick Cave even was, so that answers your question.

>we know there’s nothing interesting behind that mountain ridge, that nostalgia’s going to burn out fast...

>He’s already cut airsoft bb’s in half too

what instructions? did YOU read the article?