looks a bit shit / derivative to be honest.
looks a bit shit / derivative to be honest.
a thing doesn’t have to be acceptable for it to happen and you like it or not
[sigh ... why ruin a perfectly good gesture with this word?]
giving violent assholes valium will make them worse not better. you give no fucks on valium.
oh, do you live in syria near military airfields or something? or are you parked up with your fat ass at home popping xanax because of shit happening on the other side of the planet?
think for yourself you FUCKING moron
these tiny mini fridges used to be all the rage, then I got one and realized you can’t fit shit-all in it.
these tiny mini fridges used to be all the rage, then I got one and realized you can’t fit shit-all in it.
stopped reading at “auto runs”
>They didn’t just rape her and film it. I think people are missing that.
no decent mecha/shonen stuff?
I’m wanting to take a solo trip to japan sometime next year, don’t know any japanese, was going to do exactly this, still will though, so can anyone recommend a really good jap translation app? like, can you hold your camera up to a sign and have it translate the text on the fly or anything like that? I know PhotoMath…
cowboy bebop
does it take 20 hours to get past the tutorial?
seeing nice lush pixel art like this always makes me want to go back and install RPG Maker
right? are people looking at illegal porn or something to warrant fucking private tabs or separate browsers altogether? lmao