Limiting Factor

I only smoked real cigarettes for a few months when I started college and everyone was doing it every 2 hours for a break from the class, (25 at the time), I found that I really liked that rush I got, and that it also helped me in ways like, well, ok, I have ADHD - and so stimulants help with that, right? I found that

I have, and while you can get good ones that really feel like smoking, with the same throat-hit and tons of billowing vapour that looks like smoke, it just doesn't give me the same brain-chemical reaction as smoking. for example, if I go 2 days without nicotine then smoke a cigarette, I'll get one of those 30-second

I'd say PoG before UoW, it's a good introduction to the culture and drones/minds, contact/special circumstances etc, so you can better grasp what's going on in uow

I often feel like because I don't say much, when I do it has to be some Deep Shit, because obviously i've been contemplating the meaning of life or someshit in silence during the whole conversation, when really I've just been thinking crap like "man this is boring. I want to go home and play a game. oh first I have to

pretty much Sega in a nutshell for the past 10 years

great, I just realized how much better off I was 2 years ago.

he never said the former, it was an open comment

I had forgotten all about the adamantoise farming! that was definitely the main thing that took the most time to do. Forgotten most of the game by now actually. I did like it though. I bought the first sequel game, but I played like 2 hours of it and got bored, I didn't really like playing as uhm.. forget her name.

I used a codebreaker thing. green translucent cartridge that plugged into a port on the back of the console, IIRC. I also got Sephiroth in my party, but he was glitchy and I think he only had basic attacks and you couldn't modify his equipment etc.

your reasons mostly assume that the majority of FF7 players had played previous FF games, which is just false. FF7 was a great many peoples first RPG, what happened in previous games meant nothing to anyone at the time.

trying to push that van with the PUSH ability thing

seems like a mini power trip kind of thing.. which is just weird. I mean, ok, we're already past the point where we know it's just an achievement and it's not the end of the world, but.. to knowingly put an unattainable one in the game, and then give it to yourself, it's like you know that they're laughing to

FFXIII was the first game I got the platinum trophy for (bought a PS3 quite late), after that I burned through tons and got addicted to it, did maybe 30+ of them, the last one I got was for Vanquish, and /that/ one really killed it for me. Not only did it kill wanting to collect trophies, but I didn't really play a

I'm pretty sure my copy of the game had her called Aeris, I live in the UK. That's what I've always called her anyway. And by pretty sure I mean I'm 100% confident her name was Aeris in my game.

I've been using a Spigen glass screen on my N5 since I got it, doesn't interfere with the touchyness of the screen, and you can't tell it's on there from a visual perspective. I wouldn't use a non-glass one, because this thing cost me £339.00 from google, not a contract or anything, so if I broke it I'd be boned. I

in contrast to this feedback cycle, I guess this succintly explains why depression is so bad, you feel lethargic and don't want to do anything - nothing gets done - you feel bad because you've been sitting on your arse for the past 5 years - depression gets fed - repeat

which is strange because according to popular opinion on the internet (or just the most vocal opinion) it's perfectly acceptable to like anime porn but it totally wrong to like furry porn.

I know the farm you speak of! Silithus was really weird in that it had a lot of glitchyness about it. I remember one time falling from the skybox hole you can get to after hitting iron forge airport that after dying from the fall I resurrected in some out of bounds silithus place, huge areas of flat ground and jagged

Me and my friend would spend hours and fucking *hours* from midnight till like 5am exploring places like that. We had tons of tricks to use that kept us alive and to help us get places. I was a shaman and he was a rogue, so if I fell and died I could reincarnate once an hour, I could ressurect him, if I managed to

I use easy voice recorder pro, works great.