Limited Zap

To be honest, given what it's up against it's not too surprising that people might be watching it on DVR / stream days later. I watched it last night.

The only thing better than using Evenflow might have been using Yellow Ledbetter.

I've reread Bryson's books a number of times, A Walk in the Woods and In a Sunburned Country to the point that the pages are well worn. I still laugh out loud at Bill's writing about bears.

No comment about how Arlene's former job was as a school bus driver? (Siobhan Fallon Hogan was the school bus driver in Forrest Gump.)

Without the B plot, this episode would have been an A+. There aren't many shows where I just sit there with a ridiculous grin on my face for an entire episode. Every moment Andre Braugher is on screen my life is better.