
At first I was wondering what the numbers were for... then I realised you thought palm flesh was a finger and I pitied you instead. The clue is in the lack of an extra knuckle.

If I’m correct, you admit to reading only three paragraphs of this and then, in response, write two. I will never understand

Nintendon’t is actually a reference to old Sega ads that said “Sega does what Nintendon’t”. So whatever modding thing you are referring to alludes to these ads as well.

Welp, I’ll do my part. Never thought I’d be subscribing to PewDiePie, but it’s for a good cause.

I’ll go first! My name is actually Pedro S, and I am actually a manatee.

If you’re spending any time on r/all... that’s the wrong way to reddit. I’ve whittled my front page down to subreddits like r/campingandhiking, r/personalfinance, r/nba, etc. It’s a useful tool if you curate it for yourself and I haven’t seen a single trace of r/the_donald all year.

Clarifying that I unknowingly purchased a system that was bricked, returned to the store, put back on the shelf which I was able to rectify.

I’m sorry for all the people who fail to understand you were the victim of someone else doing this.

“We were simply saying ‘This belongs elsewhere,’ like if you posted about classical music in /r/gaming,”

Cannot decide if this is needlessly complicated, or actually useful.

Yeah, how dare he show up in a park in the middle of the night, serves him right getting mugged! This sort of attitude is so fucked up. I mean I do get what you are saying, he was severely lacking in self-preservation instinct, but to think that it’s natural for assaults to happen at night, and to call somebody a

I mean, forget empathy. We gotta show how much smarter we are than the guy who had something bad happen to him. Are you impressed with my smarts, random internet people?! PLEASE GIVE ME THE RECOMMENDS!!!!

I think this is something that should be implemented for every game.

I look forward to the day when atheists can encounter religion without being total assholes about it.