
You said “put a chicken to sleep,” and I thought I was going to watch Martha Stewart snap a chicken’s neck. I watched anyway. I don’t know what that says about me.

Either that, or there’s been a big sale on #notallmen and #wellactually this month.

Don’t despair! We just have to keep educating the people declining actual information or pragmatism as to what’s really up!

Yoko Ono has been doing this shit since forever. She’s a brilliant artist and a BAMF, even if she’s not without flaws. It’s not her fault her adult son turned out to be a dud.

as both were underaged.

Don’t be a monster, she was 8 years old. There’s no such thing as a noncoercive sexual relationship with a young child.

an 8 year-old cannot consent to sex. Forced.

I was a strong Bernie supporter in the primaries, and even considered voting Green Party. Then I watched the Republican Convention and felt a chill go through my body. I imagine it would be similar to how Samwell Tarly felt when he first encountered a White Walker. Seeing the complete hate and obvious disregard for

He can’t handle the Ruth.