Also, was anyone else hoping that Tara & Wendy would start making out when they were sitting on the couch together? It was a very touching moment.
Also, was anyone else hoping that Tara & Wendy would start making out when they were sitting on the couch together? It was a very touching moment.
Bobby will be in next week's episode. If we're to believe the previews.
I'm with you Professor. It use to be "appointment TV" for me and the missus but not anymore. Especially with the extra long episodes.
I thought there were at least two instances during the episode where Lee Toric was referred to in the current tense rather than the past tense. Not what he was doing but the character himself. Given how quickly gossip travels in the MC I'm pretty sure that Otto's killing of a retired U.S. Marshall and his subsequent…
What would Phil have done?
Let's be honest here people, Sons of Anarchy has
There are NEVER and consequences for actions for ANY of the main characters on SOA.
I'm with ya on that one Isaac. They "jumped the shark" quite a long time ago.
There is no power to be gained by raping Otto. In the grand prison scheme of things Otto is a nothing so Thomas Crane has a point.
Ya, yet another willing suspension of disbelief that you have to have if you want to watch this show on a regular basis.
I agree, there will be a plot twist that keeps the two of them alive, plus Jesse, at least temporarily.
OK, so Hank Mirandized Walt but when did he tell him he was under arrest and what was he under arrest for?
Yep, it will be interesting to see how that gets worked in with a flashback of some sort. They'll need to justify the use of all that DEA equipment somehow.
Loved the shot of the tarantula during the meeting in the desert.
Nah, that can't be right.
For a guy that says he "pretty much saw it coming" here's how it goes down:
You need another edit. Saul got handjobs.
How rude of Hank to be taking a dump in the master bedroom bathroom!
I don't think he did. I made that point earlier.
Will we see Sam & Gilly go back and pick up their ancient weapon after the crows stop chasing them? Let's not forget that Sam dropped the blade after he saw the effect it had on the white walker.