Get this man an editor. Stat! It's Theon Greyjoy who is about to be castrated NOT Tyrion.
Get this man an editor. Stat! It's Theon Greyjoy who is about to be castrated NOT Tyrion.
Well there were some dead tits but no living ones to speak of. What's up with that?
Let the exploits of Jon Snow be a lesson to all heterosexual males out there - some good oral sex goes a long way to keeping your woman happy and loyal.
Good call by Carl to drop the kid and it shows what a "biotch" Herschel is for squealing on him. On the plus side for Carl I bet Beth got a little wet seeing her little man act so tough.
Exactly! They've done NOTHING with the place. It looks marginally better than the first day when they moved in.
For me both the finale and the season were incredibly disappointed. As I've stated before my relationship with TWD has devolved from a loving relationship into a "friends with benefits" situation.
How awesome was it that Merle was rockin' out to Motorhead in the car he hot wired?
I'm surprised a bullet didn't come out of the bedroom.
Dude, you are so in the minority on that. I've been thinking the same thing myself but every time I made mention of it I got shot down.
Excellent observation! I was thinking the same thing myself as they were driving up the gravel road and Darryl's chopper at full throttle. How come they're not being swarmed?
Do we know how the Governor got to the meeting place by himself?
No, I think it was only Andrea and the Governor who were on that side of the table. Rick seemed to pretty much stay on the side/end of the table that he started?
It most definitely is a spoiler because I thought Tyrese pledged fealty to the Governor in an earlier episode. (That is if the Governor would have them.) Now there's Andrea trying to convince Tyrese that they backed the wrong madman.
And another thing!
Thank goodness we live in an unjust world.
I'm with ya bro. I forgot about Michonne's ability to cloak herself.
@Epic Bitchery - it was with a shard of glass from one of the broken aquariums and given the lack of emergency services in Woodbury I'd say that the Governor has made a remarkable recovery.
You watch this show for bad dialogue and horrible plot inconsistencies?
Tonight's episode highlighted some of the reasons why I struggle to retain my relationship with TWD.
Poll question - who took their stabbing better?