
Hey there is another big problem with this tutorial - you should really avoid setting a static IP on any computer or phone that might be used from another network at any point (in other words, pretty much anything besides a stay-at-home desktop). If you set a static IP on your phone’s WiFi adapter, good luck getting

It's $$$ but the LimeFuel 24,000 mah has been working really well for us.

I think that's just called... Rechargeable batteries. :) You can buy 2-AA "emergency" chargers from iGo, Energizer, and other places.

The energy density of NiMH batteries (and the inefficient shape and construction of AA batteries) means less juice in more space and weight. But if you really want one, you can have it today. Amazon sells plenty of them.

One note even reads hand written notes. It's kinda short of miraculous.

To be honest...AdBlock hast lost it's credibility as they used their market power to force advertisers into paying to be white listet. So AdBlock doesn't block ads and webtracker reliable enough. Well at least it blocks those, who can't afford to pay...

Yeah, I didn't mention it in the article because I didn't want to bog it down with related stories, but I still love Disconnect's browser add-on for blocking trackers and other crap that sites often load. It's still very much my favorite privacy-protecting addon.

It's really frustrating that almost no financial institutions have implemented this yet. Schwab in particular even limits you to an 8 character password. Granted, it locks your account entirely after only 3 failed attempts, but a keylogger could still gain access to someone's account with ease. The only 2FA they offer

One thing important to remember is that your journal doesn't have to be a daily affair! You don't have to get all of the minutae of every single day down - you can get the same benefits by journaling weekly, or monthly, or anytime you really feel the desire to write, or when you have something to say. :)

I bet the person who really figured this out was initially told by someone that the slot is a credit card reader...

I totally fell for it. Very cool

I just got mine yesterday and it is AMAZING. I've never had a residentual router with so many features built in to it.

Give it a shot, let me know how it works for you. :)

Breakfast Pizza!

There's a bunch of misunderstanding around charging via USB. The iOS folks have it easy, closed ecosystem and all. For the rest of us:

For those of you who think Brian's diagram is too complex, I made a simplified version.