I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave it to JLD because it’s their last chance to reward her [again] for Veep.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave it to JLD because it’s their last chance to reward her [again] for Veep.
It is like deciding between my children, except if one of my children were highly underrated Catherine O’Hara giving the performance of a fucking lifetime. (but if not her, Natasha, please)
First, I just want to say a big congratulations to Team Cabaret Schitt’s Creek. You guys were awesome.
Please see all the native Spanish speakers in the comments saying that Alto is in fact correct and used by the authorities in Mexico. It’s called a colloquialism, we have plenty of them in English, too.
Spanish is my first language. You’re wrong.
I like how you’re wrong.
Oh my god, you guys. THERE IS NO WHITE KNIGHT. I do not need the ghost of Howard Zinn or FDR or Jesus himself to come and unseat McConnell. It’s politics, for fuck’s sake. There’s like, 4 decent humans and the rest are swine. But some of them are swine who will keep you from dying during an abortion or your kid from…
Sometimes the writers here come off as living in a bubble.
Kentucky is red, red, rose red. AOC would probably get less votes in the entire state than she did in her one district. So, I mean, if someone wants to even be potentially maybe able to win office, they won’t exactly be a NY or SF liberal, you know?
I don’t need her to be a leftist dream, I need her to be better than Mitch. It’s a pretty low bar. Campaigning in a way that talks to voters she needs to win over, conservatives who have probably voted red their whole lives (or voted southern democrat when that was still a thing) is smart.
He’s an objectively good human being who has worked hard in his chosen career, including putting himself in real danger to report the news. He’s good looking, successful, not afraid to show his love, and he just lost his mother. But he’s rich so snark is on point, right?
I.. don't get the Anderson Cooper snark. His mother just passed and she left him, HER SON, her estate? Groundbreaking. Are yall just shitting on things to be edgy now?
Yeah, but “not good” = bad. To say these actors are bad is to render subjective judgement where nobody will agree.
Not once.
No one has ever claimed that.
Yeah. I actually liked him more as I read down through his tweets. So that kinda backfired.
Nothing is ever good enough right guys?
This is so dumb.
Counterpoint: This was and remains Good.