
“Dancing Like Rosie Perez Is Harder Than It Looks”

And Jezebel wonders why feminist media has been dying.


I definitely get what you’re saying, but it just pisses me the hell off that this twat could even pretend to think writing this would be a cute idea. It’s reprehensible. I think young Alexis may have set a new (very, very low) bar at Jez, which is really saying something.

The fuck is this?

Fun take on the completely avoidable yet absolute devastating affects of human greed and hubris!!! Bears slowly starving to as a direct result of human decisions are so relatable and just like us, amirite? Blah...this is not a good article.

The tone of this article leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Jokes about Kardashians? Pissing contests? “We are all this sad lost polar bear?” (“We are all...” is usually reserved for innocuous and comical images.) Look, maybe you’re trying to find some black humour in a depressing situation, but I think you’ve missed

I’m happy for you that you can see the lighter side of this, because I can’t.

<came to make Arby's joke>

That’s not how you get the clap but I’m pretty sure it’s a good way to get Hepatitis A

Idk if this one landed Jack

If you’re feeling the Bern this strongly you might want to get checked for the clap, Jack. 

Because God forbid we be spoiled for choice, or have adequate time to hear more than a few soundbites from each candidate.

Yeah... but when Splinter said all those things, what they meant was, “Bernie should get the nomination without a challenge and stuff.”

Splinter: Ugh. We hate the current anointed candidates.

What have we done to deserve this.......

Splinter: The people should be heard!

The Democratic Nomination? Bernie should get it.

Watching Jesus Christ, Superstar, as a young and impressionable child has given me a high level of contempt for versions of Christ’s life not set in the 1970s and featuring Carl Anderson and his cleavage. (Pictured: what Bible stories should look like, according to me)

I mock Paul Blart Blest all the time. He’s a fat privileged white-guilt-ridden idiot.