
Poor Michelle. If she dropped down dead, I think Kelly and Beyonce would just step over her and keep performing!

You know how people in bad relationships will limp along through infidelity and deception, but will suddenly cry out “THE WAY YOU SCRAPED THAT FORK ACROSS THAT BUTTER EXEMPLIFIES WHAT I HATE ABOUT YOU AND I CANNOT TAKE IT ANYMORE, I AM LEAVING”? This idiotic piece of sub-fluff non-observational non-commentary

In a state of confusion, she did the right thing and all she really could do and called the medic up there. Continuing singing is kind of silly, but I’m sure she was frazzled and fell into the show-must-go-on mentality.

Or maybe they don’t entertain some people? Namely the people who vote in these lists?

“More progressive” to whom? It’s worse to be a woman in America now than any other time in my adult life. The fatal idealism of those on the left who administer purity tests to centrist Democrats will be the fucking death of us all.

Hi! Sorry your experience at Jezebel was less than perfect. We’re working on correcting the typo, and we’d like to invite you and your friends back, on the house. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

Was this review...

She doesn’t seem like the best decision-maker, but if I had to be in one of those enormous families I’d way rather have Suleman as a mom than that creepy Duggar woman.

Like many, I remember the trash circus around this story. The media was going wild and was obsessing over the minutest details of her life. There was a lot of gleeful coverage over how she couldn’t afford all of her children and how!dare!she! use welfare to feed her children when she’d made the choice to have so many.

Don’t tell that to the Bernie supporters. They’re convinced beyond any doubt that all the middle Americans who voted for Trump in 2016 were just DYING to vote for a socialist Jew if only stupid Hillary hadn’t ruined the opportunity for them to do so.

You’re right. They have actually accomplished things in their time in government.

So we’re basically looking at Shrodinger’s Splinter where old white men have been in charge too long and have economically run the country into the ground, while simultaneously an old white man is the one who should be the next one in charge because only he can bring prosperity back to the US.

“By agreeing to this plea, Hillary Laborde and the DA’s office have allowed that rape is no longer a crime in Texas,” —- yep.

Again, I don’t know why you keep insisting that it was just one ‘bad joke’, when all the evidence clearly demonstrates that it was multiple tweets containing gay slurs. I’m still waiting for you to explain to the class how telling someone on twitter that their picture looks like a ‘gay billboard for AIDs’ is a

Wow. Your 2011 was very different from mine. I didn’t know anyone in 2011 who would have found that statement acceptable, nor was gay bashing acceptable in the media or the public sphere. 

Your “peace” is an ill-thought our defense of a rich and famous man for the exceptionally mild consequences he’s received for his bigoted behavior, which is fundamentally lacking the perspective you keep demanding. He doesn’t need your bad defenses, and you don’t need to stand up for bigoted behavior.

Yeah, saying on Twitter that you’ll beat your kid for being gay and dropping the f-word is egregious. But sure, lecture me on perspective and proportion while you commit to dying on the hill of “Kevin Hart being a bigot FOREVER AGO (uh 2011) doesn’t matter actually and nothing worse could happen than a person being

“You do understand what a joke is right? It’s purposefully outrageous. It’s meant to be a tad uncomfortable.”

Shit, sometimes your actions have consequences. And if the consequence is every so often having to acknowledge that what you did was wrong, and apologize? You’ve gotten off so easy. You’ve gotten off the easiest. It costs you nothing to occasionally go “yeah, damn. I hurt a lot of people. I’m sorry. I hope I can show

Right so you don’t personally know that he apologised, and expect people to just assume that he did and get over it. Brilliant.

I don’t personally care about your origin story, my point was that this kind of behaviour was still not acceptable in ‘09.