The rapper,
whosenew songfucking ruleswho is an unapologetic homophobe and anti-Semite,
The rapper,
whosenew songfucking ruleswho is an unapologetic homophobe and anti-Semite,
I mean, I’m just a little frustrated this article comes with only one picture.
I’m so distracted by his hotness. That’s all.
Palestinian Mexican American. This is the America I know. When those morons start spouting off about America is white and blond/blue-eyed, all I can think is bish where are you from? And life must be boring as hell for you. And I’m glad I’m not from there, because I need more variety on where I am going to eat than…
It would be funny if it wasn’t so infuriating.
Also, like, he’s a fox. That man is welcome in my Seat of Government at any time.
Daaaayuuuum. Is it hot in here?
I’m sorry. I couldn’t make it 20 seconds into Lee’s apology without bursting out laughing. She is a horrible actress. You forgot to mention that even after her racist Tweets, which weren’t Retweets as she claimed, were discovered, she ignored it and kept posting makeup tutorials. It wasn’t until she started trending…
Cancel them all.
Or God forbid if Chelsea Clinton had said it!
Right, I was just going to comment. What if Hillary would have said this? Burn the Witch!!!
I’ve been following her case off-and-on for the past month. As soon as I saw the mugshot of who they’d arrested, I sighed and muttered, “Here we go.” Railing against “illegal” immigrants is easy. Dealing with toxic masculinity is hard.
Troll, find your bridge and crawl beneath it or jump. I. don’t. care.
Ooh! A JezeRoot crossover attempt was finally successful.
You expected anything less. Krueger has surely been waiting to find a reason to shit on another Clinton woman for ages, and I’m sure this popping up in response to her “Clinton” google alert made her giddy as hell.
Hillary Clinton ran on the most progressive agenda in the history of the USA... You should try reading actual things, not just the headlines from blogs... I know, I know, it takes effort and effort is harder than playing another game of candy crush.
ICE arrested him for being an illegal immigrant. It was the only thing on their paperwork. They didn’t mention this “homicide” on their own documentation, or in their official statement on his arrest. It’s obvious to everyone except bootlicking hicks like you that they grabbed this guy without knowing a thing about…
“Our communications — which Reitman now claims constituted sexual harassment — were between two adults, a gay man and a queer woman, who share an Israeli heritage...”
I didn’t even understand the headline. For a quick moment I thought, “What’s a tiddy?”
Don’t tell ME how to spell “Titty”
(I have never seen it spelled with d’s before, but I guess Double-D’s makes a lot more contextual sense than Double-T’s...)