“might not feel like it John, but you are supporting Roseanne’s tweets, whether you’ve read them or not you know what she has said.”
“might not feel like it John, but you are supporting Roseanne’s tweets, whether you’ve read them or not you know what she has said.”
That “reporter” in the John Goodman story sounds like a fucking asshole.
John Goodman credits Roseanne, the person and the show, as the thing that got him his break. Prior to Roseanne, the show, he was apparently always just two steps away from being homeless - he got work but it was never enough to pay the bills. After Roseanne, he was a star.
There are many, many reasons to take issue with Cobain, the person. The fact that he died by suicide isn’t one of them. It’s a serious mental health disorder that requires treatment and support. He was at the mercy of a disease.
Daughterfucker actually
It’s not brushing off someones disorder to say it shouldn’t be stigmatized, but we shouldn’t say that someone with said disorder can’t be allowed to do something because of it. A lot of people may not be getting treatment because they don’t even know what BPD is and we can not generalize to say that the majority of…
It’s the show that Trump’s America needs but doesn’t deserve.
Can sweet Bobby get slightly more screen time? Guy is HUSTLING behind the scenes while the other four get prime time with the participant they’re working on. Bobby is underrated.
“But seriously, I can not keep up with these milks”
There is an excessively hip coffee shop around the corner from my office that my office-coffee-run friend likes. Their coffee is bad. Somehow their tea is also bad. They sell what they call “Mylk” in various flavors (turmeric, ~*~activated charcoal~*~, &c.), so I decided to try that on a recent trip. He asked if I…
Aside from all of the “you’re high! you’re drunk” exchanges I’ve always thought he didn’t need to be there.
This part was rough to read too:
What is this? What are you saying?
People can bitch about not “resorting to violence” but part of making the world a nicer place for marginalized people is shutting up racists and other assholes. Punching Richard Spencer in the face, tossing drinks at Tomi Lahren, these aren’t just things that give me a warm fuzzy, they’re laudable actions that…
Agreed. And I feel like it is similar to the Seinfeld episode when Jerry found out that a girl he dated had dated Newman. How can you ever be with Avril knowing that she slept with Nickelback many many times.
It’s like mocking a fat person on the treadmill. What do you want them to do!?
And now NY1 is reporting that City Council members have filed a grievance against him...which they can do because he is technically an officer of the court. I smell a disbarment coming!!