
The way the narrative was framed, with one of her future descendants narrating the episode, and then to find out it was figment of PC’s imagination, that she invented to comfort herself during a time of stress was so fucking heartbreaking. I think we all have these imaginary scenarios that work as coping mechanisms

Sometimes items like this confuse me because I feel like there are very few celebrities I would definitely recognize if I saw them in person. Amber Heard is definitely not one of them.

“This franchise made her and let’s be frank, it’s all she is really known for.”

Also Big Trouble in Little China

She’s so enormously talented and clearly one of the hardest working people in showbiz. Enough Said, Veep, New Adventures of Old Christine, Seinfeld - what are everyone’s favorite performances and episodes?

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 53, she was in remission for 15 years until she got diagnosed again this past February. I was 8 when she was first diagnosed, now I am 23, and I have to say that it is a lot fucking scarier when you’re a grownup and fully realize that your mom has a

:( Nothing to say other than I hope for a fast recovery for her. The world could use much more of her.

Yeah, demand a refund.

Thank you for your pedantry. You really set the record straight. Thank you for your extremely useful contribution. Please let the record show that my pedantic friend here is correct.

Hmm. Lets see. This happened in 1990, which coincidentally is when the first IT movie was released. 27 years later(also the period of time between when IT is active), she gets caught. This is either extremely well planned viral marketing, or this woman is actually Pennywise.

This is why I don’t open the door for unexpected company. Or the phone for unknown numbers. Or talk to people in general.

No one cares what you think James Cameron, and no one wants your Avatar sequels!

No. It actually has nothing to do with the “Satan” from Christian scriptures. From their FAQ (Do You Worship Satan?):

Also contemplating what it’s like to have a house in which, to study a painting, you need binoculars and a ladder...

If you ever have an opportunity to visit Aztec or Mayan ruins, DO IT.

Both ways, this is the dumbest shit ever.

This is a weird place for a rant about STIs. For all you know, she didn’t use a condom because the pregnancy was planned. Hell, it’s possible it was unplanned and she did use a condom.

A conservative? A selfish asshole? No way!

She’s one of the few who really does serious investigative journalism, it’s her thing