
You ever just look at a game and think "not for me?". It looks fun and all, well polished and interesting in design, but nothing about it remotely clicks with me. And that's cool, I hope those who do like it have fun.

Thus answering the age-old koan, "if an article on Yahoo is never read, can it still offend someone?"

I have the same problem with TWD's "resource" issues as I did with The Stand. If huge swaths of the population die off in a matter of weeks, then there'd be years worth of preserved food for the survivors. Canned goods, dried pasta, beans, and the like last for years. Most homes have at least a cupboard full of stuff

Here's the deal for me.

You are absolutely right!

Actually, this graphic exists ^^

Andrew Wakefield

So it's the new Killer Instinct then.... as in wait two years for all the dlc to come in and pay 60 bucks for a full game, or buy it now and pay 200+ dollars like a fool.

Good game or not, the DLC bullshit alone should void any purchase. Literally built and sold as a DLC platform. 2k has been bad about DLC for years but this is complete bullshit, whether you're getting the game or not, have an interest in playing it or not. If people buy into this it tells other companies it's ok,

You need to add a big giant "BUT" at the end there, and mention that because Evolve has the most asinine approach to post-release and DLC, that you shouldn't even bother with it until 12 months after it's officially released.

Prosecute swatters as attempted murder.

So because they now own craft beers that most "craft beer people" won't drink because they're owned by ABInBev, ABInBev should stop trying to sell Budweiser in the best way they know how?

I genuinely cannot believe that people are making such a fuss over the fact that Budweiser made an ad that will appeal to people who drink Budweiser, and that made fun of people who call it terrible and garbage and who were never going to drink it anyway.

This is the only game I've ever duped in in my life, and that was for the simple fact that it made the game more fun for me. There's nothing fun about the permanent breakage system. It's actually a deal breaker for me.

The disturbing thing is that there are still Nintendo fans that will defend this shit.

If you had thousands of videos and wanted to register your whole channel but had even one video about a PS4 game that would be breaking Nintendo's TOS for channel registrations. It's pretty funny that they expect multi-console channels to just delete all of their content from non-Nintendo systems, I'm not aware of

This sort of thing happens when you create a bureaucracy to police your content. Good luck Nintendo, I give this 3 years of hard stubbornness on your part before writing the whole thing off as a bad idea... assuming they don't forget it exists in that time and let it fester like so many other things.

After like 25 hrs with the game I still get the butterflies when Im solo and night is coming. The 2nd unlocked map is crazy hard and crazy fun. I've played mostly co-op and its a blast, but the game is equally enjoyable solo I think. It adds a sense of danger when you're all by yourself at night time.

It's probably a hamfisted attempt to stop teams from bringing in male pros in drag but didn't want to come out and say it so they do something even dumber instead.

Haha true, but trust me, watching a young child love this stuff the way you did when you were young makes everything doubly more exciting.