Or.....this is a nothing story and people just don't like the Pats.
Or.....this is a nothing story and people just don't like the Pats.
Each team provides it's own balls, so the punting part of your theory doesn't work.
I go with what I call the "Chore Factor". Does a game include such things as dailies, endless grinding to slow down how quickly you level, items that require months of work just to make 1 part of it. They're not fun, they're chores. I don't work all day to come home to a game that "requires" all my spare time to…
The most offensive part of all this is that it's powered by a Proprietary Plug instead of just USB. If it was just USB it'd make sense, but it's not. It's some crap you have to buy from Nintendo for $12-25 depending on where you live and it's a part that costs them probably less than $2 to manufacture. It's not a cost…
Meghan Trainor and Iggy Azalea are the evils we must fight, people. Let's stay focused!
Are you talking PC or console? I own Unity and know plenty of other people with unity that have yet to experience any game-breaking bugs.
It's sketchy, but I don't know if it's actually a disaster as so many people on the internet like to claim.
One of the major challenges about an MMO is that you're not special. You can't really be the hero of the world you're playing in, because the game is designed for millions and must treat each of them equally. An MMO is never "your story", it's "the story of everyone".
The entire justification of this instead of a proper KOTOR game was that we'd get "more". Yeah, well, no we didn't. We get a very, very mediocre storyline and 8 classes that share far too much of that same storyline. Not exactly "more", and to make things worse the game is a damn slog. Here's a summary of SWTOR's…
The big issue is that SWTOR is the one and only successor to the Knights of the Old Republic duology from a decade ago. But those were single player RPGs, and SWTOR is an MMO—with all the baggage that comes with that.
This is the genius of FH2. I'm a car nut sim lover, and underneath it all, horizon 2 has a damn good physics engine. I love that game and so do you. We just use different settings. It's literally the best of both worlds.
Perhaps because Horizon is the arcade racing game of the Forza series? I mean, just tossing that out there...
Les Baugh lost both of his arms over 40 years ago in a "freak" electrical accident. Now, in this footage, we get to…
Look at those trees bending, buffeted by wind as the rain comes pouring down on Forza Horizon 2's new Storm Island…
Destiny, a video game in which players roam the solar system getting angry at Destiny,
I'm one of those people who was tormented all the way through school, from 1st through 12th. I am sure some of those people have turned out differently, but I was definitely scarred and have zero interest in giving any of them a second chance. I don't live near them, I don't have any happy memories of them, and there…
0. I made my character exactly how I wanted to the first time and can hold off on a new one for subsequent playthroughs of other classes. Never been one to restart 10 times and replay the first 4 hours over and over or juggle multiple characters at the same damn time. Ain't nobody got time for that.
Who gives a shit? Seriously. The "HD remaster" crowd is probably the worst micro-culture within gaming, mostly because they've actually been successful at getting studios to sap valuable resources that could have been better spent on new IP. As though it's not already bad enough that sequels rule the roost. Now we…
This needs editing, the piece is all over the place.
baby groot