
I don't get it either, especially as Iggy isn't even American. The fact you can spout off half-informed bullshit doesn't mean you should.

It really shouldn't be expected and sometimes the comments are better left unsaid. I don't think any celebrity really has an obligation to comment on social issues unless it's something that really touches them or that they are concerned about. A thoughtful, heart-felt comment beats a random statement that makes it

Also, a lot of black celebs participated in the ALS ice bucket challenge with expediency. I'm judging the fuck out of their silence as well. To me, the bottom line is this: you appropriate black culture as a non-black person or are black and have supported other shit that has NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU, and you stay

I think it's different when you have white celebrities or artists build a career out of being down with black folk and then staying silent when it comes to issues that actually affect black folk. Iggy and the like have built a career out of appropriating black music, black culture and black speak but they don't seem

Yeah, I actually wish that entertainers would say LESS about the "issues of the day". Because most of the time, they have nothing to add to the conversation.

Every day more and more women. It's so fucking sad and ridiculous. And even with ALL these women I just know there will be more trolls coming out of the woodwork to defend with the refrain "innocent until proven guilty". Amurica right now y'all. I just cant with it.

Sorry, Mark. Pretty misleading. Looks like all he did was joke back when she made a silly typo. She shut him down, for sure, but I was expecting a lot more than "It can be ;)" as a "pickup". Pretty weak.

I like how this terrible, terrible person must clearly be fat. Because people are fat because they are lazy and greedy and abusive to their children. Seriously, though, how is the weight of the wife or the father relevant here? The daughter wasn't starved because he ate all the food he would otherwise feed her. I

It's so trendy to bitch about Assassin's Creed, but you have to remember that every year they release a whole new game in a completely new setting with completely new characters, a full rich single player experience with side quests up the wazoo, and add several new mechanics that change how you play the game.

See, thats my point. It's people like you who read things online, then have this idea that the game MUST be broken. Then anytime someone writes a positive comment about how they enjoy the game, you chime in like a monkey "was probably paid to say this."

Oh stop being a grump.
Not played it, but these did just seem to be 'bugs' rather than 'being broken'
As a man who's sat through 2 broken Battlefield releases from EA, and got nadda, the free DLC is a nice gesture.
Currently playing Watchdogs, which I picked up for virtually nothing a few weeks back, and so far, bug

Gawker site commenters would find a reason to complain or take offense over someone giving them free cash. It's like their day job to find stuff to be offended about.


Buying garbage? Like what? Sorry, i didn't encounter faceless bug in ac unity, i did encounter low framerate but the game was no where as buggy as the Internet made it out to be. At least from MY experience and MY experience is the most important to ME. I don't need to surf the Internet to let people judge a game for

I disagree with Early Access because they are charging YOU to find bugs in their games, which other companies PAY Playtesters for. Either they pay ME to try their buggy game, or they give it out for free.

It would just be better for companies to release a finished product instead of this early access BS.

If you feel like adding some estrogen to your orc-slaying experience, today is your lucky day—Warner Bros. just launched a free new DLC pack (for PS4/Xbox One/PC) that will let you replace boring ol' Talion with a lady whose full title must be spelled out every time she's mentioned: Lithariel, the Warrior Commander of

Except Cousins and McCoy were at least able to move the ball up and down the field and avoid many of the sacks and hits RG3 was taking. How is the line suddenly somewhat-competent when the backup QBs are out there, and then a sieve when RGeezuz gets out there?

Man...i feel disappointed in RG3.
I really hoped he be a star. Seemed like a great kid, played well, had everything going for him.

I really wonder about Destiny. I quit at level 22 — too grindy and samey, and don't plan to return. Are others doing the same, or are they all waiting to throw money at the DLC? I hope the DLC is a huge failure because I don't want see Activision rewarded for selling a full-price product that is a content-light