
This seems like a cool plan to me for those hit or miss games. There are a few EA games that look interesting but unproven. I wouldn't pay $60 for the game - maybe $20 - but by the time they get that low they'd been in this vault I bet, so the $30 a year thing seems like a good deal so far to me.

The name isn't supporting genocide etc... I think part of the problem with this is it does seem a media manufactured issue to many people. Yes there are vocal native american activists who want the named change but there are a lot of native americans that also simply don't care or have other political issues they'd

well since everyone is pull out random personal experience - I can throw in my mom 1/4 Cherokee - retired from the DC area and went out west to live on a reservation. She has been a life long Redskins fan. I asked her about the name about a month ago and her response was most people don't actually care one way or

While it is depressing to have delays, this same thing happens every year - all these awesome games announced for the fall and 50% of them get delayed to the following year. It does probably hurt the new machines because there isn't a whole hell of a lot to play. It is said that Last of Us HD will drive PS4 and the

Well what is better for the brand? Sending a message that makes the company look stupid over a kid's sweatshirt or letting it slide and not calling attention to it? I doubt the kid is covered by the FSU agreement and if they really were worried about the brand, send the kid some Nike gear and a friendly note like -

The thing for me with open world is that there has to be something meaningful to discover. Red Dead and Skyrim do this pretty well. GTA usually does not do this well for me. By meaningful something to discover - a lost tomb, a involved side quest story line, lost treasure, anything about discovering the unknown or

Games for 3 devices means own all three devices which would serious put a cramp in any value estimate. So in terms not as good a service, I'll go back to they are pretty much the same this gen.

Well Played

If that is what they are thinking they should pilot in those places - to the audience it is designed for. Otherwise it'll get a bad wrap before it can get traction for those markets.

How do you figure this? They are the same value. Systems are the same price, features are more or less the same - live being $5 or so more isn't enough to change the value proposition. Like which ever one you want, but I don't think calling one a better value is a fair assessment.

You mean like the EA plan that was $30 a year that all the Sony fans cheered about not being on PS4 yesterday? Because Sony was looking out for them? I think Sony was more interested in looking out for Now and protecting the insane pricing model. I mean for the price of one game for 90 days you get year of all the

Kinda makes that EA plan announced yesterday sound a whole lot better. And explains why Sony won't add the service

From a business standpoint I'm not sure that is the message Sony would want to go with...

But isn't that for each person to decide? If you don't find value, don't buy it. But why have Sony dictate what is and isn't of value?

How is it when Microsoft or Apple limits customer choice the internet gets a hate on - but when Sony does it they are some how taking care of me?

This - I may find it a good value to pay $30 a year to play all the EA sports games v. maybe buying one for $60. I'd at least want to evaluate the plan myself. And doesn't Sony allow Netflix? It's the same model.

Other than the insurance and the ratings board stuff (?) wouldn't the rest be the same or a cost of doing business. You kind of need to make a trailer for any platform so you'd need that video cap gear as part of the business - same with a website. I'd guess localization costs would apply to all platforms. And even

I still gave these one star because the heart of the mission was tailing and these are some of the worst missions in gaming - even worse than escort the dumb ass that runs into fire and has no weapon missions.

Oh how I wish this system were in Watch Dogs. There are some fun missions buried in there but pretty much anything that involved driving/tailing/chasing in a car sucked hard. So bad I stopped even paying attention to fixer contracts as they were far too annoying. As was the number of ways to insta-fail. I mean the

I get that it was a thought provoking moment that caused you to reflect on our hobby and the industry - but defining moment seems a bit strong. I do like your write up and it is important to realize while we all think gaming is more popular common - the take ways for the masses can sometimes surprise. Really there