
I'm in this boat - and the more I see the less excited I get. It is like a mash up of Halo and WoW and I'm just not sure that is the game for me. I'm not feeling it with this game

You know the more I see of this game - the less interesting it looks. I'm at the point where I see a Halo - WoW mash up and not in a good way.

I'm guess that since games sell the most in the first couple weeks they are out, that they want to wait until there are enough systems out there that they can feel like it'll move enough games to cover the dev costs. Whatever it is, it'll come out eventually.

It strikes me as very fanboy all the comments from last year - Xbox fail they talked about features not games, Sony talked about the games. This year it is Xbox fail they only talked about games and not what the system can do (ie Features). Even those covering the events seem to be taking this spin. Both press

Here's the deal - put away the fanboy glasses and both press conferences were about the same (except for sony's odd dive into numbers and business stuff that should be saved for an earnings call). Both systems showed about half shooters (especially when you consider how many are cross platform) and half other stuff.

Yeah the AI cheats bad - you can be well ahead of the cops and then they have this supper speed burst to ram you. You put up bridges or barriers and suddenly the cops are right back behind you. You can't out race anything. And not even on foot - you have chase people forever playing like a corner back cutting off

Doesn't work in a lot of the missions or fixer chases though - as you have to stay with the assigned vehicle.

True to a degree - but you can make an informed opinion because you can't play every game.

Ok - but realistically we can't play every game. We all filter based on game types, marketing, friends word of mouth and reviews to try and make the best use of our finite gaming time.

tl;dr - its an ok GTA knock off with bad music and insane police chase AI that isn't any fun. On the plus side you can control the traffic lights and bridges.

I think the concept could have worked an made a good video game. Think a more open game like L.A. Noire. Ditch lame sounding puzzle solving for more creative ways to discover information and clues.

My 5 cent review - if you like open world games you'll like it, but not love it. I does some good stuff but has flaws and the police evade AI is insanely overpowered. If GTA is the only open world game you've every really enjoyed - you probably won't enjoy this. It's a GTA knock off with a bad soundtrack where you

Well most of the not yets are game releases which aren't really MS to deliver - and most are still slated to launch so I'm fine with Not Yet on those - I'm guess PS4 will also have its share of not yets when it comes to game launch dates.

So having read both 6 month reviews, owned a Xbox One since launch and played enough PS4 to have a feel for it - I've noticed a few things: (and no idea where to post a comment on both pieces so I leave it here...)

This! I have a PC and and Xbox One - why would I back this game, even though I loved the first one. I wouldn't back something that I wouldn't be able to play

Hmm If I recall my fems were Dakota and Amber and my men were Connor and Taylor - not that those are original but at least they aren't on the chart

I've always had the theory people make characters that they either want to sleep with or ones they think would make people want to sleep with them.

While the PS4 may be selling more, both are selling well.

It works far better than I thought it would. I wouldn't have bought one bundled given the option, but now that I have it, I think it is a slick piece of technology. The problem I have is it a piece of cool tech desperately in search of a problem to solve. In reality nothing is using it in any meaningful way that

"I'm finding that consoles are technically inferior at release in almost every aspect than their PC counterparts anyway... Honestly whether the PS4 is more powerful than the XB1 doesn't matter... both are weak for what you are spending."