
I think you have some good ideas but missed the mark by framing it as a games should be shorter. I'm probably one of the few here that will say the current standard of 10-12 hours is a great game length to complete the main story. Too much longer often feels like a grind in a story driven game. And grind is what I

No - but a walk through of a part of a game you're stuck on could be useful. This is a lame example of a nice perk.

Is anyone else hating the Hold Guide Button for Details part of this new pop-up. I'd love that to go away - it keeps the pop-up up longer with useless info. I hope tool tips or soemthign can be turned off. You see that once or twice and you get it and don't need to see it for the next 5-10 years....

As the author commented - it is so subtle on the 360 most (me included) never noticed this at all.

I'm not sure this would do it. I think the big difference is importing from Japanese v. importing from US companies.

Thanks for the info. Seems like Target could take a more pro customer approach here

I thought the watchdog bundle was an official one - which was what was creating the problems.

Wait - now your are comparing this "next gen" WiiU to the PS3? How does that help you? Which side of this picture is which? other than the one on the right being darker they look about the same to me. Of course this is why arguing of 720 v 1080 is pointless on all but the largest screens. People can't see the

I think you described the problem with giving away newer games - they still make money on sales. With PS+ there is basically a rental fee going to the developers so some cash is still flowing. The older games MS is paying the developers for us, but they are games that were good at the time but liekly don't see much

The problem is what have you overlooked? What have I overlooked? Likely a different list. I never played Crackdown before. Never would have even dropped $5 on it. Say it free so I gave it a run. I had fun playing through it. New to me even though I've had a 360 since launch. It was fun to revisit Rainbow 6 as

iOS has a the ability to play with your characters and toy boxes. I do wish there was a way to make the toy box a little more than an obstacle course/battle arena. Not sure what PC stuff is out yet.

Infinity does some of this stuff. Pretty sure it lets you share toy boxes and it also has codes to use the characters cross platform and in iOS and PC games. It doesn't store the level info on the figure, but if you log into the infinity web site you see your info for each one. I think (not totally sure as I havent

PS3 was not all sunshine and roses if I recall. I remember the backlash when they stripped out the ability to load LINUX - mostly as a DRM measure. I recall stopping back compatibility.

This is my reaction too. People want this? I kinda hope they can't figure out a good way to do it. It just seems like a way to bring in game grief to non xbox live places

I think the thing they didn't think through was what to do with these bundles. Otherwise it seems better to fix the game than release something broken. SimCity still hasn't really recovered from a broken launch.

Really I think it depends on the packaging. If this was a manufactured bundle all in one box it is hard to ship since amazon won't have any. If this was a console like any other and a copy of the game thrown inthe shipping box then it is easy to ship the console sans game.

Well Ghost will still be coming out along with Madden and FIFA - those are all pretty big as well. Disappointing, but there will still be good games to play.

While it used to be necessary for some games (niche titles) in order to make sure you got one. Now it really is the pre-order bonus - sadly. Although I have found walking into a Best Buy a within a few days of release seems to still get you a copy with the pre-order pack ins.

Well I would hope that Sony just puts a voucher or something in to get the game when it comes out and still gives people the console on its launch.

First it is a business - everything in video games is ALWAYS about money.