
To that last point: MIL is a republican and told wife n I about how she wasn’t harassed back in the day and women are too sensitive nowadays (in the wake of Ailes scandal, this discussion).

The more I read people’s responses, the more I like the blond cover. People imagine she must have been a dour sourpuss; I mean, she’s a feminist icon isn’t she? Couldn’t have been any fun. Plus the whole suicide thing. Grr,

Yeah, I mean, I get the point but if I had a pic of me that looked that good I’d want it on the cover of all my books in perpetuity.

I think this is actually the first photo I’ve seen of Plath—I’ve always pictured her as someone who “looked depressed”, so this photo flies in the face of that.

I am appreciating the inclusion of this piece here, and I respect the scholar who is exploring this seeming incongruity. But I think it might be hasty to draw conclusions about this whole situation by further creating a dichotomy: dangerous blonde bombshell vs. The Real Sylvia Plath.

but I always loved that photo of her because she looks genuinely happy in it (maybe I’m wrong) plus that’s a great bathing suit

Here’s a thought — perhaps it’s not up to dudes like me or you to police what women are wearing and who deserves to have shots of their parts distributed.

Maybe... the REAL art... was inside us all along!


Still remember all the people on this site who thought Kim faked the robbery for publicity. :/

Art can be real fuckin’ stupid sometimes, and it could not possibly get any more stupid than when it puts me on the same side of an argument as god damn fucking PETA.

Taking on a different gossip in this comment- but somehow I’m upset about bilson and Christensen? I saw him once in Houston and 2nd and it took me at least two blocks to figure out who had just smirked at me. He was at the height of his fame, too - which isn’t saying much. Kind of forgot they were an item, now kind of


because, like the States, provinces administer many of their own programs. Quebec has subsidized daycare and paid mat leave policies that far surpass what’s offered in the rest of Canada. there are also arts funding programs supporting Quebec artists that are extremely robust even by Canadian standards.

Oh my god, I’m passing as a millenial? FINALLY!

I mean, sometimes you can do that, but sometimes your elderly loved ones have conditions that you are not equipped to care for at home. You just have to do your research and visit often.

Back in my very depressed days of 2013, 30 Rock was the only thing that let me get some sleep. I’d seen all of the episodes enough that I didn’t have to really pay attention and could drift off, but it was just engaging enough to keep my brain from wandering into the dark places. Even now, when I’m having trouble

i’m sure i’ve told this story before, but james has an ongoing, sometimes physical, feud going on with a friend of mine. my friend, who looks like eddie izzard, but who is not eddie izzard, which james refuses to believe.

Totally agree - but maybe here what I mean by “best” is not “the best” but more in terms of intimacy levels and how well they know me. I haven’t really developed the equivalent proximity with my friends that I have with a partner.

Probably explains the “traumatized nostril”