Lily The Moo

I'm the target demo, picked it up and read it, rather hated it. It starts strong, with a pretty great concept, but the book loses strength once the main character's progressing deeper. The main character feels really bland and the book quickly turns into annoying geek wish fulfillment. I mean, average geeky kid with

That’s kind of brilliant.

God damnit. I just ordered this last week for 32 bucks.

God damnit. I just ordered this last week for 32 bucks.

It certainly is good for your eyes.

This video makes me feel like he doesn’t so much play the roll of Tyrion as his personality just happens to line up perfectly with Tyrion, like Robert Downey Jr with Tony Stark. It’s like he was born for the role, in more ways than one.

I know OF Occult Hymn, but I haven’t heard it because EPs tend to just frustrate me because they’re never quite as good as the original. Danger Mouse has done a lot of producer work though as of late. He’s worked with the Black Keys on their last three albums, started a band called Broken Bells, produced for, a little

I fucking love this album, and I do desperately wish MF Doom and Danger Mouse would get back together for another full album.

It feels a bit superfluous though. I mean, why would a company build an animation like that? What purpose does it serve? Certainly not to make it look like natural facial expressions, because panels randomly coming off doesn’t strike me as ‘natural’ at all. I get the purpose for many of the design aspects for the

It's not worth the calories to begin to start the list of why not.

TV recaps ended when io9 became io9.gizmodo.

Okay then? Seems like an odd thing to state. Unless you seemed to miss three very important characters in your statement that drastically changes the meaning of what you were trying to say.

It’s a joint production, that’s how spider-man, at least the character by himself, is going to be done from now on. Marvel makes the movies, but Sony has creative input in addition to getting a cut of the profit. That’s why the casting took so long. Marvel had someone they wanted, Sony had someone else in mind.

A bunch of people die and wake up to find that they’ve been conscripted to fight aliens hiding out on earth. If they kill enough they get the chance to come back to life... yes, I’m serious. It’s a very violent and graphic series.

In watching the video one thing just made me completely and utterly confused: Why the fuck are they using an empty beer bottle? I get that the whole process is done in such a way, using antiquated and inefficient tools to get it made, is a part of the ritual, but for all of the very specific methods and purpose built

I used to read this religiously, loved it. Then it went from being silly little gags with some point and click elements to being page after page of instant message conversations between the characters. It was well done overall, but the focus changed too much and I just lost interest.

You know, Benedict Cumberbatch kind of sounds like Hugh Laurie on House. That’s rather fitting.

As mentioned by someone else, that was for a story reel, essentially storyboards set to audio and sound effects to get studios interested in funding a full movie.

Holy shit, that was a hundred times more entertaining than that Baby Metal video.

I imagine a large part of that has to do with the person directing the actors while they’re recording. With Disney you have people who have been doing this for years, decades even, knowing exactly what they want with a script they’ve worked on for months. With Destiny you have Bungie who was probably more or less

Because no one can ever have an opinion of something without being able to do it yourself? So I suppose you never form any opinions on video games or movies then, huh?