Lily The Moo

And yet it still ruins the iconic image of what makes Batman look like Batman.

It’s the little armor bit above the eyes that really ruins it for me. It makes it almost completely unrecognizable as batman.

I have a theory that the Donald J Trump we know is in fact Andy Kaufman playing an extremely elaborate prank on us. This only supports that claim. Andy Kaufman killed Donald Trump, took his place, and doing what he does best.

And they WERE terrible, horrible controllers, still are. For all the great games that came from the N64 it's controllers sucked.,

Huh, maybe I watch too much Bar Rescue where they shun it at nearly every turn, but I thought it was interesting that she was using the jigger instead of free pouring the drinks. Though I guess she doesn’t need to pour for speed for these videos like she might have to on a busy night.

It really saddens me to see what Bekmambetov has done since Wanted. I loved Nightwatch and Daywatch, and Wanted had it’s moments, though it was a rather disappointing adaptation. Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter though, for as flawed as it was as a book, could have been amazing, and it was just so painfully mediocre. I

Shop owner Bob Holmes is giving free Donald Trump tattoos to clients at his shop

Since after the Crisis on Infinite Earths, which was like 30 years ago.

Exactly. They don’t know, they don’t need to know, and from the looks of it no one’s doing anything that would make it any different than if they were. It’s not like it’s a NAMBLA meeting.

Oh, like these kids have any idea about why these people are in those costumes. As far as they know they’re mascots or children’s entertainers, and it’s hardly like they’re doing anything untowards. These are adults who realize the situation these kids are in and they’re trying to make the situation fun for them as

It is utterly terrifying that his man is leading so far ahead in the republican primaries. He lies at every turn, makes threats against other candidates, and frequently claims ignorance about subjects that are either flat out lies or things that are inconvenient to admit because they might offend some of his

Um, they kind of do still though. Granted, Coal is more industrial than literal fuel for moving about, but it does still rather fuel the world, while also making it warmer.

I swear I thought this was a clip from Look Around You at first.

I wanted to love this show, really, because I think Hayley Atwell is fantastic as Peggy Carter, but I just found it dull as paint drying on a wall. It wanted to be a spy show, but was trapped in comic book drapings and I don't think they could figure out a way to make it work like agents of shield did.

I still believe with all my heart that Eddie Izzard, who has starred in several Fuller productions to amazing success, would have been a perfect Mr Wednesday, but Ian McShane is good too. Maybe a little more in the proper age range without needing makeup if I'm honest.

As much as I love all of these guys, they’re not exactly world changing scientists, even with all the work that Bill Nye has done with NASA. They’re pop culture icons, not quite your Madam Curies or Stephen Hawkings.

Now playing

This, so much. I’ve since stopped, but when the show was starting to get sour there was one episode that just reminded me why I watched it. They were looking for, I want to say a dirty bomb. Found it in the back of a mini-van and they didn’t have time to wait for a bomb disposal unit so they had to do the whole ‘talk

This is precisely why I don’t think the series would translate well into a movie. This series is fucking bloody. Constant dismemberment, decapitations, blood, gore, all over the place. If they wanted to make an adaptation that was true to the book, it’d have to be R, and you’re talking a big budget film given the

I finished the last book the day he announced this. I read it as quickly as my busy schedule would allow, then thought to myself ‘Well, that was a satisfying ending, but I do wish there were more.’ Then I checked the subreddit for the series and was pleasantly surprised. The last book isn’t quite as enthralling as the

The change to his hat still bugs me. He made such a big deal about how the one he had originally was so special, that he couldn’t lose it because it was a rare piece of Pokemon paraphernalia, then his mom buys him some new clothes and he tosses it aside like none of that mattered.