Lily The Moo

Black Widow: Excessive user of hairspray.

Being Savage as fuck.

Really, he should just be fighting the pokemon himself.

Shaw is a scientist. He’s the only one that understands engineer technology and fixing David is the most pragmatic way she has of finding an answer. As for batteries(which is something that would have to be explained regardless of the situation as to why she’s not in the movie), he’s a robot, he clearly does have a

If I had to guess, they arrived at the Engineer homeworld, found everyone there was dead, couldn’t get off the planet, Shaw ran out of food and water, died. David, needing neither, managed to make a sustainable power source after being repaired somehow, continued to do... David stuff.

Frankly, I’d like to see Eddie Izzard as Wednesday.

This one scene for me is the best, perhaps only really good, part of this movie franchise. He evades all of those lasers, then gets fucked in a way that really only needed him taking a few steps back to avoid,not that he knew that at the time. Door opens and his fucking eye melts before he crumpled to the ground like

Aw, come on! Spoilers!

This. Can someone give us a ‘too long; didn’t watch’ summary?

That's hierarchy, not physical power. Sapphire is a rare gem with a valued gift, but it's unlikely that she's particularly strong or else she'd be perfectly capable of protecting herself considering her precognative abilities. Ruby was strong in a fusion because she's a common gem, not on her own. Both were quite

Hasn't it been established that power is relative to size with gems?

Ugh, how I wish Morning Star was on this list. February 9th, final book in the Red Rising trilogy. CANNOT WAIT!

I pictured a new Brad and Janet as like... Brandon Routh and Emma Stone, not a pair of vampires off a new Vampire Diary spin off. Disappointing, I thought the casting of Laverne Cox was rather inspired, and Reeve Carney seems like a good pick too. Might salvage it though if they can convince someone like say, Jack

They had an update that added some slightly more modern controls. It’s still not any good gameplay wise. Visuals aren’t that bad in widescreen. Could be better, but the character models surprised me a bit.

I can see this being something that, while maybe neat on paper, would not have a lot of practical application. I can’t say I’m any expert in these aspects, or even remotely knowledgeable but I could foresee it increasing production costs, take up valuable storage real estate in a car, potentially weaken structural

Fun little detail that I really loved: Ash’s Chainsaw and Shotgun are named ‘Moe and Larry’. The whole Evil Dead crew, Raimi, Tapert, Campbell, they love the three stooges, and they found yet another way to put that love into the series. I just have to wonder, what’s Curly? His car? His... other boomstick?

Well, if you’re going to use all the Batman ones I’ll take the Green Lantern ones. GL Corp all way.

Or each chopped up piece will become a whole new Ash, wouldn’t that be a nightmare?

I’m not so sure. If the deadite’s words when she was pulled into the fire is an indication she wasn’t quite normal. There’s some chicanery going on there with her, but Amanda is just a normal person who found herself in a shitty situation. I think if she comes back, she’ll be a deadite, but chances are she’s just dead.

At the risk of being called a conspiracy theorist, and perhaps I’m a little biased, but I can’t help but feel this was a planned move on the DNC’s part to try and further Hillary’s lead. Measures were made so the Sanders campaign could see Hillary’s campaign data in the hopes that they would take advantage of it only