Lily The Moo

This. Worst part of the show is that ends, and does so after only 30 minutes.

My understanding of why this is glitched is because instead of giving 20 percent, they gave it two extra zeroes so you get a 2000 percent bonus. It was nice at first, but yeah, kind of ruins the strategy with aiming if every head shot is nearly guaranteed to hit. It was even worse because I spent so long with him

Yes, and if I could play that you think I’d be chomping at the bit for bc support on the Xbox One?

They published it, have the rights to the series and are responsible for it existing at all in the first place by bringing the series back. At the end of the day it’s up to the publisher, not the developer, if they pursue bc support on the Xbox One.

God damn it. FALLOUT FUCKING NEW VEGAS! Get to it, seriously. Best game to come out of the Bethesda series and it’s not available to play on the Xbone. It should have been on the first run with Fallout 3, but even the second batch misses it. But nope, gotta include the all important support of Ms. Pac-Man.

Which he of course follows by crowdfunding a webseries satirizing the show, which gets made into... Let's say rock opera, and gets made into a tv series where the cycle continues for all eternity, only then do we realize Joss Whedon is actually a vampire and has made all of his favorite actors eternal so he can make

Now all we need is critical and financial success so a network options, then develops it for a tv series.

Oh my God, yes. Especially if she becomes gal pals with Kara. A super confidant that Kara can take under her wing and bond with over shared experiences only superpowered heroes can understand.

I can’t help but feel that the book is so popular because at its core the book is millennial geek wish fulfillment from beginning to end. World revolves around a highly detailed VR video game, overweight obsessive geek finally solves a big mystery, gets everything any geek could hope for, fame, money, the girl,

Clearly this is all a cover and they're building a Cerebro to combat the growing threat of Magneto and his brotherhood of evil.

Difference there being there was some potential in both of those movies. New start for a famous series, adaptation of an acclaimed book by an acclaimed director. This is a movie produced by Michael Bay.

My first thought was ‘Oh, Stephen Amell is playing Casey Jones? I might give this a try then.’ Then I saw Tyler Perry. Nope. Sorry Oliver.

That’s not probably not really that ‘okay’. Domestically speaking, the studio only sees about 60 percent of the box office, sometimes less abroad, and budget often only really covers what it takes to make the movie, not advertising. They’re probably just barely breaking even, maybe a modest profit with DVD.

I was huge into Power Rangers when I was little, I mean like, pre-teen. I took karate for a few months because of it, I had tons of the toys, including some imports found at a store down on the 3rd street promenade in Santa Monica that sold that kind of stuff. I even remember coming home from school one day, so eager

What? No boats as golf clubs? Disappointed. Does look like a hoot though.

I forgot how ridiculous his typing is... quaint even.

The thing I really like about these videos is that they really show off what Conan does best comedically. He’s great as a talk show host, but Conan is at his very best when he’s making jokes off the cuff. He’s got a great sense of comedic timing and an amazing improviser. These are just like his on the street

Kinda ruins the fun though doesn’t it? One of the most powerful weapons in the game from the start? Oh, a tough enemy, I’ll one shot it with this incredibly powerful gun I still have 180 rounds for. Pass.

I think, actually, they should have only shown the player one ending, with a 50/50 chance of one or the other. Some people get the epilogue, others the normal ending. Maybe you see it again if you play it through again, or maybe not. It’s a coin flip.

I just want to know why the PC version gets a 40 dollar option and the consoles, who probably are going to get the same bullshit TF2 treatment of being forgotten and not seeing big updates, have to pay 60.