Lily The Moo

I haven't had a phone for a few years, and the last one I did have was a Samsung Jack, which was Samsung's attempt at a blackberry rip off. I had some touch screen devices here and there, iPod Touch, Nexus 7, but recently when I needed an actual phone to take with me to work and to bring up directions on which bus to

Oh please oh please oh please be working on Porco Rosso: The Last Sortie. The original is easily my favorite Ghibli Film and I would DIE if he finally made that sequel... after seeing it of course.

From Up on Poppy Hill wasn't Hayao Miyazaki, it was his son, Goro, the same guy who directed Tales from Earthsea. Hayao, however, did direct The Wind Rises, a biopic about the creator of the Zero.

The 97 percent consensus isn't taken as fact only by the looney toonies like you that think the UN has helicopters on standby that are going to swooping and usurp the US government at a moment's notice. The moon landing was on a sound set, 9/11 was staged, Lorde is 35 years old, and Global Warming is fake, all

It's fucking pre-alpha footage. Not beta, not alpha, pre-alpha. Testing hasn't even begun yet. This is a step up from concept art in the scope of how ready the game is for public consumption.

You know, this game's style kind of reminds me of another Bethesda published game, Wet. All of the blood, sliding, fast moving. It's not completely there, certainly not the awesome rockabilly sound track, but it does in a small way remind me of Wet.

It doesn't, though I've given Wearable Widgets a try before. Not bad.

It does, but I don't always have my phone in reach when I'm at home, the watch usually stays on my wrist, I just find the actual functionality with the app a little silly. Granted, the screen is a bit small, but that same screen allows me plenty of functionality when I'm listening to something through Google Music.

My AT&T U-verse app updated recently and I noticed there was a new option on my Moto 360 for it. I got all excited thinking that I could use my watch to control my DVR better. Nope, just changing channels. Blech. You know when I actually flip through channels now? Never. I go to the guide and search through there if

... Avacado? I... I don't get it but it makes me laugh.

He's also more likeable than the angels and God, who he seems to get along with fairly well later on in the series.

Holy hell, these costumes. Why did they need the spandex with these Glorious costumes?

I think that was the point though. Death doesn't always have a point, in fact, it rarely does, it's just a part of life. Buffy's mom is another example of this, again, brought to us by Joss Whedon.

Are you kidding me? There were no characters worse on True Blood than Tara, and that includes Vampire Bill and Sookie. She was the worst, and even after she was dead she was still the worst because of all of useless bullshit they HAD to show to us after she was dead. We really didn't need that flashback. She should

Seriously, I need this game.

Well, I think that's pretty much because he is that character. That's why RDJ is so perfect for the role. He is Tony Stark. Boisterous, charming, a problem(former now with RDJ) with substance abuse. If he didn't like playing the role then he wouldn't like being himself.

They have dropped all non-scripted shows except for two. One is Talking dead, because it still pulls in pretty great numbers for something that probably costs them a hundredth of what an episode of Walking dead costs, and Kevin Smith's Comic Book Men, which performs fairly well in its time slot apparently. Frankly,

Last night's episode was just... fucking brilliant, from this moment to the end of the episode. It started, much like how this incarnation of the doctor tends to act, one way, making us think that it was going to be a tired story from a bygone era, and really, rather fantastically, ends up being far more interesting

You know what would be lovely? If they beefed up the mechanics a little, make it a little more energetic, then make it so you can connect it to your music player of choice and act as a speaker, dancing to whatever music you've got pumping into it.

JurassicBark — because WoW.