Lily The Moo

Three people are dead and dozens are injured. They would be lucky to only lose their job, because they deserve a little more.

Is it just me, or are the Nova uniforms SNL made for this gag better than the ones the actual Corp wore in GotG?

I'm still kind of wondering what happened to that watch face that won the contest. They haven't shown it in any of the pictures I've seen. Is it still available or did they drop the ball on that?

I wonder if Motorola'll be releasing the Moto G as a Go Phone like they did with the last generation. I've been using the Moto G from verizon over the past few months and I've loved it, 70 bucks for such a delightful phone, would be nice to upgrade and pass my own to someone in my family to use instead.

Well, there is that one scene after the montage where Rocket pulls at the crotch of his suit, so maybe that assumed it was implied he has big testicles?

I'm still waiting for a Sonic screwdriver stylus for capacitive touch screens. They have some for like Nintendo DSes, but ones for tablets and phones would be so awesome.

Hmm, I could see this if they do something similar to say, the final scene from TASM2, where they hint at the players who might becoming, but not directly show them on screen IC with powers immediately. It would, however, give them room to do more movies with some of their older roster, namely RDJ, reluctant to do

A few thoughts of mine about the episode.

And yet the article goes with the vaguest of descriptors. All of the other inventions make mention of what they do, the peanut one just says it's vital and the device makes it 100 time easier.

Could we perhaps have an explanation what that peanut machine does that makes it so vital? Because by looking at the gif it isn't clear, and neither does the description make it clear.

I laughed at that, I'm so going to hell.

Unintended feature: No drunk purchases because your sloppy hand and double vision keep you from hitting in your pin just right.

I felt so bad for poor Ginger. She waited all of that time, then melted at the slightest touch. I mean, she enjoyed herself, great, but there was no crazy pelvis dusting vampire banging.

Harrison Ford is a 72 year old actor, Bautista is a 45 year old MMA fighter and Professional Wrestler. One was used to being tossed into furniture as a course of his daily duties, the other one is 72 year olds. I'm not saying that there isn't a reason for a stunt man, but Harrison Ford is not Dave Bautista, or vice

I'm kind of disappointed that Bautista doesn't do his own stunts. He was an MMA fighter and a professional wrestler, surely he can stand to be thrown into a particle board table, or a foam padded wall.

Question, Bill: what flower store is open at night but not liquor store?

SDCC Exclusive only? Noooooooooooooooooooo!

When life gives you a Gordian knot you make cut up pieces of string.

Scribblenauts is published by Warner Brothers, who own DC comics, which led to the Scribblenauts/DC Comics game, as it's been pointed out, that entire set is based on the Scribblenauts art style.

I 100% thought that was a clip from The Price is Right. I still think it is when I catch glimpses of it.